A cell name is required
      A cell name is required
  About DCE Director... (Help Menu)
      About DCE Director... (Help Menu)
  About PC-DCE
      About PC-DCE
  Access Control...(Actions Menu)
      Access Control...(Actions Menu)
  Actions Menu
      Actions Menu
  Add and Name Additional Host Machines
      Add and Name Additional Host Machines
  Add and Name Applications
      Add and Name Applications
  Add Cell... (View Menu)
      Add Cell... (View Menu)
  Add DCE Cell to Viewer Dialog Box
      Add DCE Cell to Viewer Dialog Box
  Adding member to Security Group failed
      Adding member to Security Group failed
  Administrator's Password Dialog Box
      Administrator's Password Dialog Box
  Arrange Icons (Window Menu)
      Arrange Icons (Window Menu)
  auth ticket expired (dce/rpc)
      auth ticket expired (dce/rpc)
  Authentication Service
      Authentication Service
  Authorization Service
      Authorization Service
  Benefits of Naming Guidelines
      Benefits of Naming Guidelines
  Call to DCE Registry failed
      Call to DCE Registry failed
  cannot login with zero-length password (dce/sec)
      cannot login with zero-length password (dce/sec)
  Cannot remove the account from its primary group
      Cannot remove the account from its primary group
  Cascade (Window Menu)
      Cascade (Window Menu)
  CDS Control Program (cdscp) (Tools Menu)
      CDS Control Program (cdscp) (Tools Menu)
  CDS Entries in Cell
      CDS Entries in Cell
  CDS Server Details Dialog Box
      CDS Server Details Dialog Box
  Cell Directory Service
      Cell Directory Service
  Cell Directory Service (CDS)
      Cell Directory Service (CDS)
  Cell Management Guidelines
      Cell Management Guidelines
  Cell Management Policies
      Cell Management Policies
  Cell Performance and Scaling Considerations
      Cell Performance and Scaling Considerations
  Cell Viewer
      Cell Viewer
      Cells, Objects, and Resources
  Cells:   Objects:   and Resources
      Cells, Objects, and Resources
  Clone ...(Actions Menu)
      Clone ...(Actions Menu)
  Clone a Specified DCE Account
      Clone a Specified DCE Account
  Clone a Specified DCE Group
      Clone a Specified DCE Group
  Clone DCE Group Dialog Box
      Clone DCE Group Dialog Box
  Clone DCE User Account Dialog Box (DCE UNIX Information)
      Clone DCE User Account Dialog Box (DCE UNIX Information)
  Clone DCE User Account Dialog Box (Group Memberships)
      Clone DCE User Account Dialog Box (Group Memberships)
  Clone DCE User Account Dialog Box (Name and Password)
      Clone DCE User Account Dialog Box (Name and Password)
  Complex Cell Recommended Configuration
      Complex Cell Recommended Configuration
      Communicating With Other Cells - Concepts
      Planning a New Cell - Concepts
      Populating Cell Namespaces - Concepts
  Contents (Help Menu)
      Contents (Help Menu)
  Costs and Benefits of Replicating Services
      Planning a New Cell - What Is a Complex Cell? - Costs and Benefits of Replicating Services
      Planning a New Cell - What Is a Simple Cell? - Costs and Benefits of Replicating Services
  Could not add readonly replica for directory
      Could not add readonly replica for directory
  Could not allocate <number> bytes memory
      Could not allocate <number> bytes memory
  Could not ask server for online status for namespace entry
      Could not ask server for online status for namespace entry
  Could not construct DOM attribute object
      Could not construct DOM attribute object
  Could not construct DOM binding object
      Could not construct DOM binding object
  Could not construct DOM cell object
      Could not construct DOM cell object
  Could not construct DOM directory object
      Could not construct DOM directory object
  Could not construct DOM entry object
      Could not construct DOM entry object
  Could not construct DOM group object
      Could not construct DOM group object
  Could not construct DOM network object
      Could not construct DOM network object
  Could not construct DOM profile object
      Could not construct DOM profile object
  Could not construct DOM server object
      Could not construct DOM server object
  Could not construct the DOM Security Group object
      Could not construct the DOM Security Group object
  Could not create CDS directory with master clearinghouse
      Could not create CDS directory with master clearinghouse
  Could not delete CDS directory
      Could not delete CDS directory
  Could not get clearinghouse entries for CDS directory
      Could not get clearinghouse entries for CDS directory
  Could not get elements for RPC profile object
      Could not get elements for RPC profile object
  Could not get entries for CDS directory
      Could not get entries for CDS directory
  Could not get host name for namespace entry
      Could not get host name for namespace entry
  Could not get information for security server
      Could not get information for security server
  Could not get information for time server
      Could not get information for time server
  Could not get members for RPC group
      Could not get members for RPC group
  Could not import binding for namespace entry
      Could not import binding for namespace entry
  Could not load custom control dll
      Could not load custom control dll
  Could not read clearinghouse entries in root directory
      Could not read clearinghouse entries in root directory
  Could not read replicas for directory
      Could not read replicas for directory
  Could not read value for attribute
      Could not read value for attribute
  Could not repair replicas for CDS directory
      Could not repair replicas for CDS directory
  Could not update CDS directory
      Could not update CDS directory
  Create ...(Actions Menu)
      Create ...(Actions Menu)
  Create a User Account
      Create a User Account
  Create All Employee Groups and Accounts
      Create All Employee Groups and Accounts
  Create and Name DCE Organizations
      Create and Name DCE Organizations
  Create and Name Remaining Groups
      Create and Name Remaining Groups
  Create CDS Directory Dialog Box
      Create CDS Directory Dialog Box
  Create Cell Admin DCE Accounts
      Create Cell Admin DCE Accounts
  Create DCE Group Dialog Box
      Create DCE Group Dialog Box
  Create DCE User Account Dialog Box (DCE UNIX Information)
      Create DCE User Account Dialog Box (DCE UNIX Information)
  Create DCE User Account Dialog Box (Group Memberships)
      Create DCE User Account Dialog Box (Group Memberships)
  Create DCE User Account Dialog Box (Name and Password)
      Create DCE User Account Dialog Box (Name and Password)
  Creating and Joining Cells
      Creating and Joining Cells
  Creating and Modifying Access Controls for CDS Directories
      Creating and Modifying Access Controls for CDS Directories
  Creating and Naming Your Cell
      Creating and Naming Your Cell
  Creating CDS Directories
      Creating CDS Directories
  Creating DCE Groups
      Creating DCE Groups
  Creating the Master Registry Database
      Creating the Master Registry Database
  Creation of CDS Directory failed
      Creation of CDS Directory failed
  Creation of DCE Security Group failed
      Creation of DCE Security Group failed
  DCE Cell Naming Process Flowchart
      DCE Cell Naming Process Flowchart
  DCE DCE Event Log Viewer for Windows 95
      DCE DCE Event Log Viewer for Windows 95
  DCE Groups in Cell
      DCE Groups in Cell
  DCE Login Dialog Box
      DCE Login Dialog Box
  DCE Object Name Lookups
      DCE Object Name Lookups
  DCE Security Service
      DCE Security Service
  DCE Servers in Cell
      DCE Servers in Cell
  DCE Time Services Recommendations
      DCE Time Services Recommendations
  DCE UNIX Information
      DCE UNIX Information
  DCE User Accounts in Cell
      DCE User Accounts in Cell
  Delete ...(Actions Menu)
      Delete ...(Actions Menu)
  Delete a Specified DCE Account
      Delete a Specified DCE Account
  Delete a Specified DCE Group
      Delete a Specified DCE Group
  Delete Group Dialog Box
      Delete Group Dialog Box
  Delete User Account Dialog Box
      Delete User Account Dialog Box
  Deleting CDS Directories
      Deleting CDS Directories
  Deleting Groups
      Deleting Groups
  Deleting User Accounts
      Deleting User Accounts
  Dialog Boxes
      Dialog Boxes
  Directory Service
      Directory Service
  Directory Service and Namespace
      Directory Service and Namespace
  Display and/or Modify a Specified DCE Account
      Display and/or Modify a Specified DCE Account
  Display and/or Modify a Specified DCE Group
      Display and/or Modify a Specified DCE Group
  Display Properties of a Server
      Display Properties of a Server
  Displaying Cells
      Displaying Cells
  Displaying Objects
      Displaying Objects
  Displaying Properties of a Group
      Displaying Properties of a Group
  Distributed Time Service
      Distributed Time Service
  Distributed Time Service (DTS)
      Distributed Time Service (DTS)
  DTS Control Program (dtscp) (Tools Menu)
      DTS Control Program (dtscp) (Tools Menu)
  DTS Servers
      DTS Servers
  Edit a specified Access Control List
      Edit a specified Access Control List
  Error deleting Security Group
      Error deleting Security Group
  Error Messages
      Error Messages
  Error setting ACL on CDS directory
      Error setting ACL on CDS directory
  Error setting ACL on Security Group
      Error setting ACL on Security Group
  Exit (File Menu)
      Exit (File Menu)
  Extend the CDS Directory Structure
      Extend the CDS Directory Structure
  File Menu
      File Menu
  Gathering Cell Population Information
      Planning a New Cell - Step by Step - Gathering Cell Population Information
      Populating Cell Namespaces - Step by Step - Gathering Cell Population Information
  General Naming Guidelines
      General Naming Guidelines
  Global Directory Services
      Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) Overview - Directory Service and Namespace - Global Directory Services
      Populating Cell Namespaces - Concepts - Global Directory Services
  Global Name Characteristics
      Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) Overview - Global Directory Services - Global Name Characteristics
      Populating Cell Namespaces - Global Directory Services - Global Name Characteristics
  Group Memberships
      Group Memberships
  Help Menu
      Help Menu
  How a Client Imports a Server's Binding Information
      How a Client Imports a Server's Binding Information
  How a Server Exports Its Binding Information
      How a Server Exports Its Binding Information
  How Threads Work
      How Threads Work
  Insert a Cell Entry in the Viewer
      Insert a Cell Entry in the Viewer
  Introduction to DCE
      Introduction to DCE
  Invalid Password (dce / sec)
      Invalid Password (dce / sec)
  List Viewers
      List Viewers
  List...(Actions Menu)
      List...(Actions Menu)
  Listing Host Machines in a Cell
      Listing Host Machines in a Cell
  Logging In
      Logging In
  Login to cell...(Actions Menu)
      Login to cell...(Actions Menu)
  Manage Groups
      Manage Groups
  Manage Host Machines
      Manage Host Machines
  Manage Servers
      Manage Servers
  Manage the Cell Directory Service (CDS)
      Manage the Cell Directory Service (CDS)
  Manage User Accounts
      Manage User Accounts
  Menu Bar
      Menu Bar
  Modifying Groups
      Modifying Groups
  Modifying User Accounts
      Modifying User Accounts
  Name and Password
      Name and Password
  Name is longer than 1024 characters
      Name is longer than 1024 characters
  Name is not valid. '@' and '
      Name is not valid. '@' and ':' are not valid characters.
  Name is not valid. '@' and ':  ' are not valid characters.
      Name is not valid. '@' and ':' are not valid characters.
  Namespace Users
      Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) Overview - Directory Service and Namespace - Namespace Users
      Populating Cell Namespaces - Concepts - Namespace Users
  Naming Policies and Guidelines
      Naming Policies and Guidelines
  Naming Recommendations
      Naming Recommendations
  Need for Synchronized and Correct Time
      Need for Synchronized and Correct Time
  Options Dialog Box
      Options Dialog Box
  Overview of DCE Services
      Overview of DCE Services
  Plan and Name Your Hosts
      Plan and Name Your Hosts
  Plan DCE Group Naming Scheme
      Plan DCE Group Naming Scheme
  Planning and Registering a Cell's Name
      Planning a New Cell - Step by Step - Planning and Registering a Cell's Name
      Populating Cell Namespaces - Step by Step - Planning and Registering a Cell's Name
  Planning DCE Core Services
      Planning DCE Core Services
  Planning Failover Services
      Planning Failover Services
  Planning Intercell Communications
      Planning Intercell Communications
  Planning Intracell Communications
      Planning Intracell Communications
  Planning Multiple LAN and WAN Names
      Planning Multiple LAN and WAN Names
  Planning Time Services
      Planning Time Services
  Please select the Name and Password page and enter a user account name.
      Please select the Name and Password page and enter a user account name.
  Principal quota exhausted (dce/sec)
      Principal quota exhausted (dce/sec)
      Principals, Accounts, and Aliases
  Principals:   Accounts:   and Aliases
      Principals, Accounts, and Aliases
  Properties of CDS Directory Dialog Box
      Properties of CDS Directory Dialog Box
  Properties of DCE Group Dialog Box
      Properties of DCE Group Dialog Box
  Properties of DCE User Account Dialog Box (DCE UNIX Information)
      Properties of DCE User Account Dialog Box (DCE UNIX Information)
  Properties of DCE User Account Dialog Box (Name and Password)
      Properties of DCE User Account Dialog Box (Name and Password)
  Properties...(Actions Menu)
      Properties...(Actions Menu)
  Refresh (View Menu)
      Refresh (View Menu)
  Registration Service
      Registration Service
  Registry Editor (rgy_edit) (Tools Menu)
      Registry Editor (rgy_edit) (Tools Menu)
  Remote Procedure Call
      Remote Procedure Call
  Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
      Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
  Remove a Cell Entry in the Viewer
      Remove a Cell Entry in the Viewer
  Removing member from Security Group failed
      Removing member from Security Group failed
  Requesting a Service
      Requesting a Service
  Retrieving the Security Group members failed
      Retrieving the Security Group members failed
  RPC Control Program (rpccp) (Tools Menu)
      RPC Control Program (rpccp) (Tools Menu)
  RPC Performance Issues
      RPC Performance Issues
  RPC Runtime Services
      RPC Runtime Services
  Security Administration Tool (sec_admin) (Tools Menu)
      Security Administration Tool (sec_admin) (Tools Menu)
  Security Management
      Security Management
  Security Server Details Dialog Box
      Security Server Details Dialog Box
  Security Service
      Security Service
  Security Services
      Security Services
  Server Details
      Server Details
  Serving Principals
      Serving Principals
  Set Up a Trust Relationship
      Set Up a Trust Relationship
  Setting Up the Registry
      Setting Up the Registry
  Setting Up Time Services
      Setting Up Time Services
  Simple Cell Configuration
      Simple Cell Configuration
  Simple Cell Recommended Configuration
      Simple Cell Recommended Configuration
  Specified group does not exist
      Specified group does not exist
  Specified user does not exist
      Specified user does not exist
  Specify the Type of ACL Dialog Box
      Specify the Type of ACL Dialog Box
  State of Servers Dialog Box
      State of Servers Dialog Box
  Status Bar (View Menu)
      Status Bar (View Menu)
  Step by Step
      Communicating With Other Cells - Step by Step
      Planning a New Cell - Step by Step
      Populating Cell Namespaces - Step by Step
  The DCE Time Service
      The DCE Time Service
  The password and password verification fields do not match. They are being cleared.
      The password and password verification fields do not match. They are being cleared.
  Tile (Window Menu)
      Tile (Window Menu)
  Time Server Details Dialog Box
      Time Server Details Dialog Box
  Toolbar (View Menu)
      Toolbar (View Menu)
  Tools Menu
      Tools Menu
  Troubleshooting the State of Server Dialogs
      Troubleshooting the State of Server Dialogs
  Two-Tier Architecture
      Two-Tier Architecture
  UIDS must be positive numbers
      UIDS must be positive numbers
  Unable to log in
      Unable to log in
  Unexpected Return Code
      Unexpected Return Code
  Usability and Manageability Tradeoffs
      Usability and Manageability Tradeoffs
  Use the Visual DCE ACL Editor
      Use the Visual DCE ACL Editor
  User account name exists. Enter a new user account name.
      User account name exists. Enter a new user account name.
  User Identification Failure. - Registry object not found (dce/sec)
      User Identification Failure. - Registry object not found (dce/sec)
  User Identification Failure. - Registry server unavailable
      User Identification Failure. - Registry server unavailable
  User is not authorized to update record (dce/sec)
      User is not authorized to update record (dce/sec)
  Using Help (Help Menu)
      Using Help (Help Menu)
  View Credentials (klist) (Tools Menu)
      View Credentials (klist) (Tools Menu)
  View Menu
      View Menu
  Viewing the CDS Namespace
      Viewing the CDS Namespace
  Visual ACL Editor (Tools Menu)
      Visual ACL Editor (Tools Menu)
  What Are DCE Core Services?
      What Are DCE Core Services?
  What Is a Complex Cell?
      What Is a Complex Cell?
  What Is a Simple Cell?
      What Is a Simple Cell?
  What Is Naming?
      What Is Naming?
  What Is the DCE Director?
      What Is the DCE Director?
  Why Create Cells?
      Why Create Cells?
  Why Is Configuration Planning Important?
      Why Is Configuration Planning Important?
  Will not be able to retrieve all of the Security Server details
      Will not be able to retrieve all of the Security Server details
  Window 1
      Window 1,2,... (Window Menu)
  Window 1:  2:  ... (Window Menu)
      Window 1,2,... (Window Menu)
  Windows Menu
      Windows Menu