The online help for the DCE Director error messages provides the following information:
· The action the user was performing when the error message was received.
· The meaning of the error message.
· The actions the user can take to correct the error.
These error messages are among the most common ones you might receive when using the DCE Director. If you receive error messages that are not included among those listed, check with your DCE cell administrator or your system administrator for possible solutions.
Related Topics:
Adding member to Security Group failed
Cannot remove the account from its primary group
cannot login with zero-length password (dce/sec)
Could not add readonly replica for directory
Could not allocate <number> bytes memory
Could not ask server for online status for namespace entry
Could not construct DOM attribute object
Could not construct DOM binding object
Could not construct DOM cell object
Could not construct DOM directory object
Could not construct DOM entry object
Could not construct DOM group object
Could not construct DOM network object
Could not construct DOM profile object
Could not construct the DOM Security Group object
Could not construct DOM server object
Could not create CDS directory with master clearinghouse
Could not delete CDS directory
Could not get clearinghouse entries for CDS directory
Could not get elements for RPC profile object
Could not get entries for CDS directory
Could not get host name for namespace entry
Could not get information for security server
Could not get information for time server
Could not get members for RPC group
Could not import binding for namespace entry
Could not load custom control dll
Could not read clearinghouse entries in root directory
Could not read replicas for directory
Could not read value for attribute
Could not repair replicas for CDS directory
Could not update CDS directory
Creation of CDS Directory failed
Creation of DCE Security Group failed
Error setting ACL on CDS directory
Error setting ACL on Security Group
Name is longer than 1024 characters
Name is not valid. '@' and ':' are not valid characters.
Please select the Name and Password page and enter a user account name.
Principal quota exhausted (dce/sec)
Removing member from Security Group failed
Retrieving the Security Group members failed
Specified group does not exist
The password and password verification fields do not match. They are being cleared.
User account name exists. Enter a new user account name.
User Identification Failure. - Registry object not found (dce/sec)
User Identification Failure. - Registry server unavailable
User is not authorized to update record (dce/sec)
Will not be able to retrieve all of the Security Server details