DCE Time Services Recommendations

The following are recommended time policies and standards:

· All machines should be synchronized to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Strategies must be developed around distribution of UTC time providers and systematic management of how each machine becomes synchronized.

· Cells need a strategy for deploying time services in a heterogeneous infrastructure containing multiple network protocols and multiple namespace directories, which complicate deployment and management.

· For intracell communications:

¾ Setup three DTS servers per cell.

¾ If the cell spans several LANs, setup three DTS servers per LAN. In this case, DTS setup is more complicated.

¾ Any DCE host that is well-run and reliable can be a DTS server. 

· For intercell communications:

¾ If your cell needs to communicate with other cells, your cell must have the correct time, within about 2 minutes. To achieve this, you can install a time provider.

¾ Typically, any machine that is a CDS or security server also acts as a DTS server.

¾ If your cell has a DNS name, send registration information to the BIND administrator.

¾ Setup trust relationships with other cell's using the rgy_edit cell command.