The State of Server dialogs check the status of the DCE servers for a particular DCE cell.
The DCE Director provides a State of Server dialog for each server type:
· State of CDS servers
· State of time servers
· State of security servers
To access the State of Server dialogs, perform the following steps:
1. Select Servers in the Select a kind of object viewer.
2. Pull down the Actions menu and choose List....
3. Click the Status button to display the state of the requested server.
4. When the state of the server information is displayed, you can click the Details button for more detailed information.
You do not have to dismiss the State of Server dialogs to reactivate the DCE Director viewer. Click on the viewer window to return to the viewer.
If you want, you can click on the State of Server dialog's minimize button to iconify the State of Server dialog.
You can run the State of CDS Servers, State of Security Servers, and State of Time Servers dialogs at the same time, both for your local cell and for remote cells. The title for the dialog and for the dialog icon shows the type of server and the cell name.
The first screen of all State of Server dialogs is the same. The display consists of two parts: a list box and a row of buttons.
Each State of Server dialog includes the five control buttons
· Close
· Refresh
· Cancel (reserved for future releases)
· Details
· Help
The State of Server dialogs activate the Close, Refresh, and Help control buttons after they look up the information for each server in the list box. To activate the Details... control button, you must select one or more rows in the list box.