The Options tab on the PC-DCE Configuration panel is used to configure DCE client options. It includes the following fields and options:
Start daemons during system boot checkbox — Indicates whether DCE daemons are configured to start when the system boots up.
Endpoint Service Only checkbox — Indicates whether RPC endpoint mapping services are in use.
CDS Directory Version 3.0 checkbox — Used if you are configuring a CDS replica into a cell which uses a pre-1.1 CDS server.
Distributed Time Service checkbox — Indicates whether DTS is enabled for this system. DTS is an option for full client configurations as well as servers. For more information about Time Server options see Configuring Additional DCE Servers.
LAN Profile Name field — Lists the LAN profile in which the DTS daemon on your system looks for the network locations of DTS servers. The default LAN profile entry is /.:/lan-profile. This information is used only when the Distributed Time Service checkbox is enabled.
Enable automatic login to DCE checkbox — Indicates Integrated Login status (enabled or disabled).
Advanced Login Features — Allow you to apply a prefix to a user's DCE login name.