Viewing Your Access to an Object

To determine what access you have to an object, you must first open the ACL for that object (See Opening an ACL.)

image\acl_0016_wmf.gif To view your access to an object:

1. Pull down the ACL menu and select My Access ....

 If the My Access ... menu option is dimmed, one of the following conditions applies:

· You are viewing an ACL that has been changed and has not yet been saved, and therefore is not available to the application server. The application server provides data for the query about My Access.

· You are viewing an initial object or initial container ACL. Since these ACLs are not protecting any object, asking about your access to an object through them is not available.

 The My Access dialog box appears with the name of the object and the permissions you have to that object. For information on what each permission means, click the image\acl_0017.gif button.

 See Understanding Permissions for more information about permissions.

2. Click OK to dismiss the dialog box.