To view an access control list (ACL), for an object, you must first open the ACL by specifying the object. You can open an ACL only for an object for which you have the appropriate permissions (generally you need read (r) permission). You cannot open the same ACL twice. If you have many ACLs displayed on your screen, and you specify the name of an ACL that is already open, that ACL is brought to the front and made the active ACL.
To open an ACL:
1. Pull down the ACL menu, and select Open....
The Open ACL dialog box appears with the default cellname and its path displayed in the text field.
2. Complete the pathname by adding the name of the object whose ACL you want to view. For information about naming, see Naming Environments.
3. Click OK to complete the dialog box entry. If there are orphans in the ACL, a dialog box appears containing the entry type, identifer, home cell, and permissions for each orphan. An orphan is a user, group or cell entry that has been deleted from the Registry, but not from the ACL.
4. Click OK to remove the orphan(s), or click Cancel to abort the operation and dismiss the Orphans ACL Entries dialog box.
5. Click OK to dismiss the Open ACL dialog box.
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