Adding All Other Users

When you add all other users, you are establishing permissions for all users in all cells, unless they are specifically named in ACL entries of type user, are members of a group named in an ACL with an entry type of group, are users indicated by owner or owner's group, or their cell is on the ACL. In other words, no other entry on the ACL names them. You can have only one entry for All Other Users; if you already have such an entry, this menu option is dimmed.

image\acl_0036_wmf.gif To add all other users to the active ACL:

1. Pull down the Add Entries menu and select Add All Other Users ....

 The Add All Other Users dialog box appears with the entry name specified as All Other Users.

2. Click the permissions you want to grant.

 To grant multiple permissions, click the permissions you want in the Permission box. A checkmark appears next to each selected permission. To deselect a permission, click the selected permissions.

 For information on what each permission means click the image\acl_0037.gif button.

3. When you are satisfied with how the permissions are set, click OK.

 The dialog box is dismissed. All Other Users and the permissions you granted are now listed at the end of the ACL. Notice that the image\acl_0038.gif icon appears next to the entry to indicate that this is an All Other Users entry.


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