Application Debugging with the RPC Event Logger
11.1 Overview of Debugging Support
The RPC IDL compiler in Gradient DCE for Tru64 UNIX includes enhanced application debugging support beyond the support provided with OSF DCE. The IDL compiler includes the RPC Event Logger a software utility that records information about operations relating to the execution of an application. Operational information about the program state at a specific point during processing, called an event, is recorded in a file, called an event log. You have the option of directing event logging information to the terminal screen, rather than to a file. In this guide, the terms event log and log are used interchangeably to refer to the stream of logging output captured in the event log file or displayed on the screen.
Event logging provides a detailed, low-level view of the execution of your RPC application. If development of your RPC application is proceeding well, this level of detail may not be necessary. However, when you are in the debugging phase of application development, the continuous execution information provided by the Event Logger and the ability to change the type and timing of logging can be valuable.
11.2 Introduction to the RPC Event Logging Facility
When event logging is enabled, the Event Logger creates one log for each client and server process. To enable the RPC Event Logger, you specify an IDL compiler option that traces events (described in "Enabling Event Logging").
Enabling event logging when compiling allows you the option of generating logs at runtime without rebuilding the application. Once logging is enabled, you can use environment variables and the RPC Log Manager (rpclm) to control logging operations. The Log Manager provides a command interface for changing logging operations during application execution.
The RPC Event Logger records events about application calls, context handles, errors, miscellaneous events, and logging operations. These are called event types. Typical RPC events include the following:
For application calls, the Event Logger generates events that signal call activation, the call start and end, attempts to rebind to a server, and termination of a server thread.
For context handles, the Event Logger generates events that signal context handle creation and deletion by the client and server, and context handle modification, removal, and rundown.
For errors, the Event Logger generates events that signal call and receive failure from the client, exceptions, server failure, and call transmission failure from the server.
The miscellaneous events provide information about the application manager routine, and input and output argument processing events.
The logging operation itself generates events that display the logging output device, and that signal modification of logging parameters, and event log start and stop.
As a result of using the -trace option in the IDL compile command, idl, RPC events are generated by code in the client and server stub modules created by the compiler. Note that some events are generated at selected points in the RPC runtime library. For this reason, certain events, such as those relating to the logging operation, are always generated into the application code in addition to the event types you specify.
The events generated in each of these areas are shown in Table 11-1. The first column lists events that can be generated, and the second column indicates whether the client or server, or both, can generate the event. See Section 11.7 on page 133 for a complete description of each event.
In the event log, each event is described on a single line divided into five fields. The five fields are defined in the table below.
The following is an example of an event log generated for an RPC client. The log contains five columns. To improve readability, columns four and five are shown below the first three columns. In addition, the field names have been added to identify the events; the names do not appear in an actual event log. (In subsequent event log examples, the field names are occasionally used instead of actual data to improve readability where necessary.)
1994-02-07:11:48:18.31.160-5:0010.121 ifdef:8710/1 binopwk.binopwk_add
1994-02-07:11:48:18.32.170-5:0010.121 ifdef:8710/1 binopwk.binopwk_add
1994-02-07:11:48:18.65.180-5:0010.121 ifdef:8710/1 binopwk.binopwk_add
log_start all
call_start ncacn_ip_tcp:[1821]
This small event log indicates that the following events occurred:
event indicates that logging started on February 7, 1994, at 11:48 a.m. on the host named ifdef, in process number 8710, and in thread number 1. Event logging was enabled when the binopwk interface was compiled with the IDL -trace option. The RPC call to the binopwk_add operation in the binopwk interface caused logging to begin and is the first event logged. The Event Data field indicates that all events are being logged.
event indicates an attempt to execute a call to a server. The string binding in the Event Data field shows that the call was made over the TCP/IP transport to host with endpoint 1821. This string binding identifies the server being contacted.
event indicates that the RPC call is completed, and control has returned to the caller of binopwk_add.
This log indicates that the RPC call to the binopwk_add interface was successful because no error events occurred.
11.3 Generating RPC Event Logs
In general, to create an event log you must follow these four basic steps:
Specify the -trace option in your idl command line to enable event logging.
Compile and link the application.
Assign the event log to a filename or to the screen.
Execute the application.
The next sections describe how to use the -trace option.
11.3.1 Enabling Event Logging
To enable event logging, specify the -trace option when you use the idl command to compile an interface. The syntax of the idl command with the -trace option is as follows:
% idl
filename -trace
Event types are specified as a value of -trace. Valid values and the event types they denote are listed in the table below.
For more information on the -trace option, see Section 11.3.2 on page 121.
11.3.2 Using the -trace Option
Once you have used the Event Logger, you will find that it generates a large volume of information to be analyzed. Discard any unneeded log files because the Event Logger will continue to record information in the files, enlarging them until the disk is full.
To help reduce the generation of unwanted information, you can use the -trace options to enable event logging on only a subset of events. That is, rather than specifying the all option, specify only calls
or only context_handles
. The subset you specify will depend on the part of your application you are debugging. Although the -trace option provides logging control on a per-compilation basis, the interface must be rebuilt to enable or disable logging of different event types. The -trace options offer the ability to select different event types for the various IDL interfaces that might make up a single application.
You can use the -trace option to request logging of a single type of event, such as errors, with a command similar to the following:
% idl binopwk.idl -trace errors
You can also use the -trace option to request logging of multiple event types, such as errors and calls as shown below:
% idl binopwk.idl -trace errors -trace calls
This command enables the Event Logger, specifying error and call event logging.
To enable event logging to trace the execution of RPC calls within a process, perform the following steps:
Enable event logging by specifying the -trace option in the idl command you use to compile each interface definition. This example specifies the -trace all option:
% idl binopwk.idl -trace all
Build and link the client and server portions of the application.
Use the environment variable RPC_LOG_FILE to direct the log output for both the server and client processes. To store Event Logger output in a file, assign the environment variables to a filename. To direct Event Logger output to the standard terminal output for the process (stdout), assign the environment variable to double quotation marks (""). This guide refers to standard terminal output as the screen.
In the window from which the server portion of the application will be
executed, direct logging for the server to a file with the following syntax:
% setenv RPC_LOG_FILE "server.log"
Or, to direct logging for the server to the screen, use the following syntax:
% setenv RPC_LOG_FILE ""
In the window from which the client portion of the application will be executed, direct logging for the client to a file using the following syntax:
% setenv RPC_LOG_FILE "client.log"
Or, to direct logging for the client to the screen, use the following syntax:
% setenv RPC_LOG_FILE ""
Now you can invoke the client and server processes. The event log will be recorded in the specified file or displayed on your screen when you execute the application.
11.3.3 Combining Event Logs
Although event logs are generated locally for each process, you can combine event log files to provide a broader view of application execution.
Note that this section does not give examples of each step in the application development process.
The syntax of a sort command is as follows:
% sort -m
The -m option is specified, which indicates that the files are already sorted and prevents reordering of events that occurred at the same time.
If two events have the same timestamp, you receive a warning message after the sort is completed.
The following example illustrates how to combine logs from two different systems.
The server process command sequence is as follows:
% idl fpe_server.idl -trace calls -trace errors
% setenv RPC_LOG_FILE "server.log"
% server
The client process command sequence is as follows:
% idl fpe_server.idl -trace calls -trace errors
% setenv RPC_LOG_FILE "client.log"
% server
These command sequences result in two log files: server.log and
client.log, shown below. (Note that, in the following example log files, the
Event Data field is not shown.)
This is file server.log:
1994-03-03:20:37:03.170-5:0010.121 murp:17924/15 fpe.setup log_start
1994-03-03:20:37:03.170-5:0010.121 murp:17924/15 RPC Log Mgr listening
1994-03-03:20:37:03.180-5:0010.121 murp:17924/15 fpe.setup activate
1994-03-03:20:37:03.180-5:0010.121 murp:17924/15 fpe.setup terminate
1994-03-03:20:37:03.200-5:0010.121 murp:17924/15 fpe.float
1994-03-03:20:37:03.200-5:0010.121 murp:17924/15
1994-03-03:20:37:03.200-5:0010.121 murp:17924/15 fpe.float terminate
This is file client.log:
1994-03-03:20:37:02.850-5:0010.121 ifdef:28168/1 fpe.stup log_start
1994-03-03:20:37:02.880-5:0010.121 ifdef:28168/1 fpe.stup call_start
1994-03-03:20:37:03.190-5:0010.121 ifdef:28168/1 fpe.stup call_end
1994-03-03:20:37:03.190-5:0010.121 ifdef:28168/1 fpe.flt call_start
1994-03-03:20:37:03.210-5:0010.121 ifdef:28168/1 receive_fault
1994-03-03:20:37:03.210-5:0010.121 ifdef:28168/1 call_failure
Next, the two log files are combined and sorted with the sort command.
% sort -m client.log server.log > client_and_server.log
The resulting file client_and_server.log is as follows:
1994-03-03:20:37:02.850-5:0010.121 ifdef:28168/1 fpe.setup log_start
1994-03-03:20:37:02.880-5:0010.121 ifdef:28168/1 fpe.setup call_start
1994-03-03:20:37:03.170-5:0010.121 murp:17924/15 fpe.setup log_start
1994-03-03:20:37:03.170-5:0010.121 murp:17924/15 RPC Log Mgr listening
1994-03-03:20:37:03.180-5:0010.121 murp:17924/15 fpe.setup terminate
1994-03-03:20:37:03.190-5:0010.121 ifdef:28168/1 fpe.setup call_end
1994-03-03:20:37:03.190-5:0010.121 ifdef:28168/1 fpe.float call_start
1994-03-03:20:37:03.200-5:0010.121 murp:17924/15 fpe.float activate
1994-03-03:20:37:03.200-5:0010.121 murp:17924/15 fpe.float exception
1994-03-03:20:37:03.200-5:0010.121 murp:17924/15 transmit_fault
1994-03-03:20:37:03.200-5:0010.121 murp:17924/15 fpe.float terminate
1994-03-03:20:37:03.210-5:0010.121 ifdef:28168/1 receive_fault
1994-03-03:20:37:03.210-5:0010.121 ifdef:28168/1 call_failure
For the combined output to be accurate, the system clocks on all hosts on which event logs are generated must be closely synchronized. The Distributed Time Service (DTS) component of Gradient DCE for Tru64 UNIX provides such a service. Once the clocks are synchronized, the ordering of events in a combined log file is valid only if the difference between timestamps made on different machines is greater than the inaccuracy field in those timestamps. (See the DTS documentation in the OSF DCE Administration Guide Core Components for more information about timestamps.)
In the preceding client_and_server.log file example, consider the event with the timestamp 1994-03-03:20:37:03.180-5:0010.121 and the event that follows it (these two event lines are separated from the rest of the log by a blank line on either side). Note that the timestamps indicate that the terminate
event precedes the call_end
event. However, you cannot determine this sequence of events by comparing timestamps because the inaccuracy value at the end of the timestamp is greater than the difference between the timestamps. That is, the difference in time between these events is only 10 milliseconds (the difference between 180 and 190 milliseconds). However, the inaccuracy in the timestamps is 121 milliseconds (10.121). Therefore, the log is not a definitive indicator of which event occurred first. Because of the simplicity of the example and the single thread of control, you can assume that the terminate
event preceded the call_end
11.3.4 Disabling Event Logging
To disable event logging, simply compile your interface without specifying the -trace option. For example:
% idl binopwk.idl
11.4 Using Environment Variables and the Log Manager to Control Logging Information
In addition to the -trace options, the Event Logger offers two other methods for controlling information in the event log. Each facility is advantageous in different circumstances, depending on the type of processes with which you are working and the type of events you need to log. The two methods are as follows:
The following sections provide detailed descriptions of how to use each of these methods to control the type of events logged.
11.4.1 Controlling Logged Events with Environment Variables
One way to control the type of events logged is by assigning the environment variable RPC_EVENTS. This method is ideal for an application that contains a single RPC interface because environment variables provide control at the process level, rather than at the interface-by-interface level. However, to enable the environment variable you must first stop the client or server process.
To use environment variables to control event logging, first use the IDL -trace option in your idl compile command and then assign the log file with RPC_LOG_FILE. You can then use the environment variable RPC_EVENTS to reduce the number of events currently being logged. That is, if you used the -trace errors option to request error event logging, you can subsequently use only the environment variable to request logging of errors or none. You cannot use the environment variable to increase the number of event types to be logged. To do this, you must recompile the interface with the required -trace options.
The value of RPC_EVENTS is a list of event types separated by commas. The list identifies the event types to be monitored. Valid values are the same as those for -trace (except log_manager). These values are all, none, calls, context, errors, and misc.
An example command line follows:
% setenv RPC_EVENTS "calls,errors"
If the environment variable RPC_EVENTS was not assigned, then by default all of the events specified with the -trace option are written into the event log.
11.4.2 Controlling Logged Events with the RPC Log Manager
During application development, certain problems occur only after a server has executed some number of calls. Other problems may require more information than anticipated to debug. These problems can be addressed by enabling the RPC Log Manager in your application image. The Log Manager offers a command line interface (rpclm) for manipulating logging operations during application execution. When you use the rpclm command line interface, you need not rebuild your interface or stop and restart your server or client process to manipulate logging operations.
The rpclm commands are shown in Table 11-4.
Table 11-4: Command Interface to rpclm
Inquire about the currently logged events and determine the name of the active log file.
Specify additional events to log. Valid values are all, none, calls, context, errors, and misc.
Disable logging of the specified event types. Valid values are all, none, calls, context, errors, and misc.
Change the output device or file to which events are logged.
Terminate the rpclm session.
Display a description of rpclm commands.
Follow these steps to enable the RPC Log Manager to control event logging:
Use the -trace log_manager option in your idl compile command.
Create the RPC_LOG_FILE environment variable and assign it to a filename or to screen output.
Execute the client or server process, or both.
When the first call is made to an interface compiled with the -trace option, a
event will be generated into the event log. Invoke the rpclm command interface (as specified in step 4 below) by specifying the string binding from the listening
Only string bindings from a listening
event can be used to invoke
The rpclm command interface allows you to control event logging parameters from your keyboard. You can use the command interface to reduce the events currently being logged as well as to manipulate logging operations. You can enable or disable logging of different event types (within the set selected with the -trace option), store event logging in a file or display it on the screen, inquire about the current event types being logged, and display the name of the current log file.
The following procedure illustrates how to use the Log Manager:
When you compile your interface with the idl compile option, include the -trace log_manager option. For example:
% idl binopwk.idl -trace all -trace log_manager
Assign the RPC_LOG_FILE environment variable to a filename. For example:
% setenv RPC_LOG_FILE "client.log"
Execute the client or server process, or both.
Upon the first remote procedure call to an interface compiled with the -trace log_manager option, a
event will be generated into the log. Examine the Event Data field of the listening
event in the log to determine the Log Manager string binding. (The RPC Event Logger is itself a client/server application: the Log Manager is a server process, and rpclm is its client. The rpclm client uses the string binding of the listening
event to communicate with the Log Manager server.) Invoke rpclm and specify the Log Manager string binding. For example, consider the following event:
murp:17868/15 RPC Log Mgr listening ncacn_ip_tcp:[3820]
The listening
event indicates that the RPC Log Manager is waiting for
commands from rpclm. (Note that, in the example, the Time field is not
shown.) To invoke rpclm, enter the listening
event string binding for this
server process from the Event Data field as follows:
% rpclm "ncacn_ip_tcp:[3820]"
You must enclose the string binding in double quotation marks ("").
As you execute rpclm commands, the Log Manager displays current logging parameters that indicate the changes made to event logging for this process. For example:
rpclm> >
unlog all
Event types:
Events logged to terminal
log calls
Event types:
Events logged to terminal
The log for this server process will have corresponding events logged as
<time> murp:17868/15 RPC Log Mgr log_events none
<time> murp:17868/15 RPC Log Mgr log_events calls
The following example illustrates a command dialog between the user and rpclm. The dialog begins when the user specifies a string binding from a listening
event to rpclm.
% rpclm "ncacn_ip_tcp:cltdce[1821]"
rpclm> help
rpclm Commands:
inquire - Display logged events and log filename
log - Specify additional events to log
unlog - Specify events that should no longer be logged
file - Change file into which events are logged
quit - Exit log manager
rpclm> inquire
Event Types: calls
Events logged to terminal
rpclm> log errors
Event Types: calls errors
Events logged to terminal
rpclm> file server.log
Event Types: calls errors
Events logged to file 'server.log'
rpclm> quit
In this dialog, the user enters the help command to display the rpclm commands and command descriptions.
The user then enters the inquire command to display the types of events being logged and the log filename. In this example, errors are being logged to the screen.
The user enters the log calls command to specify that the Log Manager should start logging all events relating to calls, in addition to error events.
The user then enters the file command and specifies a filename. This command requests that rpclm change its output device from the terminal screen to a file named server.log.
The user then enters the quit command to terminate the rpclm session.
11.5 Using the -trace Option, Environment Variables, and the Log Manager Together
This section describes a few different ways to use the -trace options, environment variables, and the Log Manager together. When you are learning to use the Event Logger, one possible approach is to specify all-inclusive event logging with the -trace all IDL compilation option, and then examine the event log to get an understanding of typical output. You can then use the environment variable RPC_EVENTS to log only those events needed, such as calls or errors.
In the case of a running process that you do not want to terminate, use a different method. First enable the Event Logger, specifying logging of all events, and enable the Log Manager also, as follows:
% idl
filename -trace all -trace log_manager
Set the event log to display on the screen, as follows:
% setenv RPC_LOG_FILE ""
Then, assign the RPC_EVENTS environment variable so it will not log any event types, as follows:
% setenv RPC_EVENTS "none"
With these parameters set, the only event that will be displayed is the listening
event once the first call is made to a server interface compiled with the -trace log_manager option. You can then obtain the string binding for the process and use it later, if needed. Once you start the process, if an error occurs, use the string binding to invoke the rpclm command interface and log the needed events. Any rpclm commands issued at this point will modify the RPC_EVENTS environment variable assignment. For example, if you assign the environment variable RPC_EVENTS to calls and then issue a command to rpclm to log errors, errors as well as calls will be logged.
Once you are familiar with Event Logger output, consider regularly using the command interface to enable or disable subsets of event types as needed.
This section provides an example of common tasks you may need to perform during event logging. In this particular example, a distributed server process provides a mathematical calculation service. The client process passes data to be calculated to the server process. This type of processing often generates exception events such as those in the example event log. That is, some operations are interrupted by floating point overflow
and integer division by zero
exceptions, as well as others. This example uses rpclm to control logging of a server process; however, rpclm can also be used to control event logging for a client process.
The following processes are shown in three windows: a server process window, a client process window, and an rpclm window.
Server Window: The user first enables the RPC Event Logger by specifying the -trace all and -trace log_manager options in the idl command line:
% idl server.calc -trace all -trace log_manager
Server Window: The user starts the server process. The server receives a client call and initializes the RPC Log Manager. The environment variables were assigned to enable event logging with no event types selected, so only Log Manager events are output, as shown. Note that the endpoint displayed for the listening event is the endpoint of the Log Manager. (The time field is not shown.)
% setenv RPC_LOG_FILE ""
% setenv RPC_EVENTS "none"
% server ncacn_ip_tcp
murp:17868/15 fpe.setup log_start none
murp:17868/15 RPC Log Mgr listening ncacn_ip_tcp:[3820]
Client Window: The user invokes the client process. The specified string binding is used to find the server. The client process displays the output
upon completion.
% Client ncacn_ip_tcp [3123]
rpclm Window: The user invokes rpclm and specifies the string binding displayed in the
event output by the server process, shown in step 2. The string binding must be enclosed in double quotation marks (""). The user issues the inquire command, and the event logging parameters for the server process are displayed. The Log Manager reply indicates that no event types are enabled and that the event log is being displayed on the screen from which the server process was started. The user issues the log errors command to enable logging of error events for the server process.
% rpclm "ncacn_ip_tcp:[3820]"
Event types:
Events logged to terminal
log errors
Event types:
Events logged to terminal
Client Window: The user invokes the client process a second time. The error events that occur during server execution are logged to the server window. The client process displays the output
upon completion.
% Client ncacn_ip_tcp [3123]
Server Window: The server process receives the command from rpclm to start logging errors. Any errors that occur in the server process are logged. (The time field is not shown.)
murp:17868/15 RPC Log Mgr log_events errors
murp:17868/15 fpe.flt_overflw exception Floating point
overflow (dce/thd)
murp:17868/15 transmit_fault rpc_s_fault_fp_overflow
murp:17868/15 fpe.flt_underflw exception Floating point
underflow (dce/thd)
murp:17868/15 transmit_fault rpc_s_fault_fp_underflow
murp:17868/15 fpe.flt_divbyzer exception Floating point/decimal
divide by zero (dce/thd)
murp:17868/15 transmit_fault rpc_s_fault_fp_div_by_zero
murp:17868/15 fpe.dble_overflw exception Floating point
overflow (dce/thd)
murp:17868/15 transmit_fault rpc_s_fault_fp_overflow
murp:17868/15 fpe.dble_underflw exception Floating point
underflow (dce/thd)
murp:17868/15 transmit_fault rpc_s_fault_fp_underflow
murp:17868/15 fpe.dble_divbyzer exception Floating point/decimal
divide by zero (dce/thd)
murp:17868/15 transmit_fault rpc_s_fault_fp_div_by_zero
rpclm Window: The user issues the unlog all command to disable logging of all previously specified event types.
unlog all
Event types:
Events logged to terminal
Server Window: The event log now contains an entry that indicates the Event Logger will stop logging previously specified events.
<time> murp:17868/15 RPC Log Mgr log_events none
rpclm Window: The user issues a log calls command to enable logging of call events.
log calls
Event types:
Events logged to terminal
Server Window: The newest event log entry indicates that the Event Logger will start logging call events.
<time> murp:17868/15 RPC Log Mgr log_events calls
rpclm Window: Because logging output will increase now that call events are being logged, the user issues an rpclm command to redirect logging output to a file named server_calc.log. When the application terminates and logging is complete, the user can use a text editor to view and search for entries in the log. This log file will contain only those call events from the server process.
file server_calc.log
Event types:
Events logged to file 'server_calc.log'
Server Window: The newest event log entry indicates that the logger will start redirecting logging information to file server_calc.log.
<time> murp:17868/15 RPC Log Mgr log_file server_calc.log
ClientWindow: The user invokes the client process a third time. The call events that occur during server execution are logged to file server_calc.log. The client process displays the output
upon completion.
% Clientncacn_ip_tcp [3123]
Server Log: This is log file server_calc.log (the time field is not shown):
% more server_calc.log
murp:17868/15 RPC Log Mgr log_start server_calc.log
murp:17868/15 fpe.setup activate ncacn_ip_tcp:[2905]
murp:17868/15 fpe.setup terminate ncacn_ip_tcp:[2905]
murp:17868/15 fpe.flt_overflw activate ncacn_ip_tcp:[2905]
murp:17868/15 fpe.flt_overflw terminate
murp:17868/15 fpe.flt_underflw activate ncacn_ip_tcp:[2905]
murp:17868/15 fpe.flt_underflw terminate
murp:17868/15 fpe.flt_divbyzer activate ncacn_ip_tcp:[2905]
murp:17868/15 fpe.flt_divbyzer terminate
murp:17868/15 fpe.dble_overflw activate ncacn_ip_tcp:[2905]
murp:17868/15 fpe.dble_overflw terminate
murp:17868/15 fpe.dble_underflw activate ncacn_ip_tcp:[2905]
murp:17868/15 fpe.dble_underflw terminate
murp:17868/15 fpe.dble_divbyzer activate ncacn_ip_tcp:[2905]
murp:17868/15 fpe.dble_divbyzer terminate
rpclm Window: The user issues a file command to redirect event logging output from server_calc.log to the terminal screen. To do this, press the Return key without specifying a filename when the Log Manager prompts for one.
New File Name:
Event types:
Events logged to terminal
Server Window: The final event in the server_calc.log file is a
event, which indicates that event logging output is being redirected, in this case to the terminal screen. Therefore, no filename is displayed to the right of the event name.
<time> murp:17868/15 RPC Log Mgr log_file
11.6 Using Event Logs to Debug Your Application
The RPC Event Logger is designed to help you debug your distributed application and is an enhancement over the basic diagnostics in the RPC product. The diagnostics alone provide minimal information. For example, the sample program called test2, which is provided with the Gradient DCE for Tru64 UNIX, generates the rpc_x_no_more_bindings
exception when the client fails to contact the server. Without the aid of RPC event logging, this is the only diagnostic information available.
The following example shows the basic RPC diagnostic information that an application displays when an error occurs.
% test2
*** Unable to obtain server binding information
Make sure environment variable RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY = .:/test2_server
Exception: no more bindings (dce / rpc)
IOT trap (core dumped)
If you enable RPC event logging by defining the environment variable RPC_LOG_FILE, then the details of client execution can be captured in a file. From the event log, you can determine which servers the client tried to contact and the reason each attempt failed.
In the following event log example, the Event Data field on the rebind
events indicates that the interface is not registered in the endpoint map and that a communications failure occurred. This information indicates that the server either is not running or it failed to register properly with the endpoint mapper.
The final event, call_failure
, indicates that the call was terminated with the no more bindings
status. This event indicates that the client tried all available servers but failed to communicate with any of them. (Note that in the first column the word time represents the actual value for time.)
% test2
time ko:11436/1 test2.test2_add log_start all
time ko:11436/1 test2.test2_add call_start ncacn_ip_tcp:[]
time ko:11436/1 test2.test2_add rebind not registered in endpoint
time ko:11436/1 test2.test2_add call_start ncacn_dnet_nsp:4.262[]
time ko:11436/1 test2.test2_add rebind not registered in endpoint
time ko:11436/1 test2.test2_add call_start ncadg_ip_udp:[]
time ko:11436/1 test2.test2_add rebind comm failure (dce/rpc)
time ko:11436/1 call_failure no more bindings (dce/rpc)
*** Unable to obtain server binding information
Make sure environment variable RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY = .:/test2_server
Exception: no more bindings (dce / rpc)
IOT trap (core dumped)
11.7 Event Names and Descriptions
This section lists and describes RPC events. See the table in Section 11.2 on page 117 for a list of events by type (calls, context handles, errors, miscellaneous, and logging) and their origin (client or server).
11.8 Summary
The RPC Event Logger is a developer's aid for debugging DCE RPC applications. The RPC Event Logger allows you to modify IDL-generated stub routines in order to generate event logs of runtime execution of RPC calls on the screen or in a file. In addition, the RPC Log Manager command interface (rpclm) provides command line access to event logging parameters, allowing you to enable and disable debugging support of clients and servers as they execute.
The DCE RPC application development environment is designed to create applications that are portable to other DCE platforms and that can interoperate with other DCE applications. Use of Gradient DCE for Tru64 UNIX RPC Event Logger does not affect code portability or interoperability. Because the Event Logger does not modify the application, you can take advantage of event logging without affecting application portability to other hardware or software platforms.
In addition, use of Gradient DCE for Tru64 UNIX RPC Event Logger does not limit interoperability with other DCE implementations. Because event logs are generated only in the local application, communication protocols are not modified. You can, for example, use the event logging facility with any server process running under Gradient DCE for Tru64 UNIX or with any client process communicating with an RPC server on any hardware or software platform.
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