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1.1 Overview of License Registration
The License Product Authorization Key (PAK) is no longer needed. The written license is still in effect.
1.2 Installation Options
Gradient® DCE for Tru64 UNIX provides the additional option of installing DCE in a Dataless Management System (DMS) environment. You can find instructions for a DMS installation on Section 1.13 on page 41.
1.3 Installation Prerequisites
Follow this sequence for installing DCE and creating a cell with servers and clients:
You can stop the installation procedure at any time by pressing
<Ctrl/C>. Files created up to that point are not deleted. You must delete the
created files manually.
1.3.1 Hardware Requirements
To perform the installation, you need the following hardware:
You must know how to load the CD-ROM provided with the software distribution kit on the appropriate drive. See the Compact Disc User's Guide for more information.
1.3.2 Software Requirements
Before installing DCE, you must install the following subsets provided with the operating system:
The table below lists the disk storage requirements for the subsets installed with the DCE kit.
An initial DCE server configuration (consisting of dced, cdsd, cdsadv, two cdsclerks, secd, and dtsd) consumes 50 MB of swap space. A DCE client configuration (consisting of dced, cdsadv, one cdsclerk, and dtsd) consumes 25 MB of swap space. Large cell configurations may require additional swap and disk space.
1.3.4 Privileges Required
You must have superuser (root) privileges on the system on which you are installing DCE.
1.4 Performing a DCE Cell Backup
tar cf $ DCE_BACKUP_DIR/dcebackup.tar \
./opt/dcelocal/var/adm/directory/cds/clerk_mgmt_acl_* \
./opt/dcelocal/var/adm/security \
./opt/dcelocal/var/adm/time/dtsd.acl \
./opt/dcelocal/var/directory \
./opt/dcelocal/var/svc/routing \
The above command does not contain the full list of files under the /opt/
dcelocal/ directory. Additionally, any DCE application specific files and
directories may need to be archived as well. Such files include, but are not
limited to, application specific local keytable files.
1.5 Re-Installing DCE Over an Older Version of DCE
Remove existing DCE software subsets.
To determine whether any existing subsets have been installed, enter the following command:
# setld -i | grep DCE | grep "_ _installed"
(The _ _ indicates to enter two spaces)
If a subset is installed, you see a display similar to the following:
DCECDS410 installed DCE CDS Server V4.1
Delete any existing DCE subsets as follows:
# setld -d subset-id [subset-id...]
Directory /opt/dcelocal exists. It may contain the DCE databases.
Do you want to delete the old DCE databases? (y/n/?) [n]:
1.6 Choosing Subsets to Install
DCE includes the following installation subsets:
See the Gradient DCE for Tru64 UNIX Product Guide for more information about the subsets included in this kit.
1.7 Installation Steps For a Non-TruCluster Environment
To determine whether any existing subsets have been installed, enter the
following command:
# setld -i | grep DCE | "grep_ _installed"
(The _ _ indicates to enter two spaces.)
If a subset is installed, you see a display similar to the following:
DCECDS410 installed DCE CDS Server V4.1
To remove the existing DCE subsets, use the following syntax:
# setld -d subset-id [subset-id...]
If you mounted the DCE CDROM on the /mnt/ directory, then the kit
location is /mnt/kit
The subsets listed below are optional:
There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single
screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen
or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will
be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed.
1) DCE Application Developers Kit V4.1
2) DCE Application Developers Manual Pages V4.1
3) DCE Cell Directory Server V4.1
4) DCE Command Reference Manual Pages V4.1
6) DCE DFS Kernel Binaries V4.1
8) DCE DFS NFS-DFS Secure Gateway Server V4.1
9) DCE DFS Utilities/Debug V4.1
Or you may choose one of the following options:
13) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus
14) EXIT without installing any subsets
Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus.
Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6):12
Load the subsets that you want to install.
You are installing the following optional subsets:
DCE Application Developers Kit V4.1
DCE Application Developers Manual Pages V4.1
DCE Cell Directory Server V4.1
DCE Command Reference Manual Pages V4.1
DCE DFS NFS-DFS Secure Gateway Server V4.1
Checking file system space required to install selected subsets:
11 subset(s) will be installed.
The installation procedure displays the subsets being installed.
Working... Fri Mar 12 07:19:26 EST 2000
DCE Cell Directory Server V4.1
DCE Application Developers Kit V4.1
Working.... Fri Mar 12 07:19:26 EST 2000
DCE Command Reference Manual Pages V4.1
DCE Application Developers Manual Pages V4.1
Working.... Fri Mar 12 07:19:26 EST 2000
Loading 10 of 11 subset(s)....
Loading 11 of 11 subset(s)....
DCE DFS NFS-DFS Secure Gateway Server V4.1
11 of 11 subset(s) installed successfully.
Configuring "DCE Runtime Services V4.1" (DCERTS410)
Copyright (c) Entegrity Solutions, Inc. 2000, 2001
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved
under the copyright laws of the United States.
Possession, use, or copying of the software and
media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written
license from Entegrity Solutions, Inc.
disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii)
Beginning configuration of DCE Version 4.1.
You will be asked a few questions before configuration can proceed.
Online help is available where the prompt contains a "?" choice.
If DCE was installed previously, the following message is displayed:
Directory /opt/dcelocal exists. It may contain the DCE databases.
Do you want to delete the old DCE databases? (y/n/?) [n]:
If you type "n" or press <return> (the default), you preserve the old DCE configuration.
If you type "y", you delete the old configuration and the following message displays:
The existing DCE databases will be removed upon the
successful completion of installation of DCERTS410.
Please enter the location for new DCE local databases,
or press <RETURN> for the default location [/var]:
Whether you entered yes or no, the following lines show:
There will be no more questions asked for the remainder of the configuration.
Creating DCE local directory structure.
If you had answered yes, to delete old databases, two lines follow here:
Removing old DCE local databases as directed.
Created new DCE local database directory /opt/dcelocal
Whether you entered yes or no, the following lines show:
Installation of all the requested DCE subsets is completed.
You have installed the DCE software which requires further action
to configure and start it. To do so please invoke "/usr/sbin/dcesetup"
and select option 1 (Configure DCE services) from the main menu.
1.9 Error Recovery During Installation
There is not enough file system space for subset DCERTS410
If you encounter errors from the setld utility during the installation, see the Diagnostics section of the setld(8) reference page for an explanation of the error and the appropriate action to take. If an error occurs while you are using DCE, and you believe the error is caused by a problem with the product, contact Entegrity Technical Support (support@entegrity.com).
1.10 Installing DCE in a TruCluster or Sierra Cluster Environment
To find a member's status enter:
# setld -i -m < cluster member name>
(where i means the kit installation inventory and m means member. The
man pages explain setld.)
To determine whether any existing subsets have been installed, enter the
following command:
# setld -i | grep DCE | "grep_ _installed"
(The _ _ indicates to enter two spaces.)
If a subset is installed, you see a display similar to the following:
DCECDS410 installed DCE CDS Server V4.1
To remove the existing DCE subsets, use the following syntax:
# setld -d subset-id [subset-id...]
If you mounted the DCE CDROM on the /mnt/ directory, then the kit
location is /mnt/kit.
The subsets listed below are optional:
There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single
screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen
or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will
be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed.
1) DCE Application Developers Kit V4.1
2) DCE Application Developers Manual Pages V4.1
3) DCE Cell Directory Server V4.1
4) DCE Command Reference Manual Pages V4.1
6) DCE DFS Kernel Binaries V4.1
8) DCE DFS NFS-DFS Secure Gateway Server V4.1
9) DCE DFS Utilities/Debug V4.1
Or you may choose one of the following options:
13) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus
14) EXIT without installing any subsets
Estimated free diskspace(MB) in root:285.6 usr:636.3 var:1140.9
Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus.
Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6):1-4 10 11
If you specify more than one at the prompt, separate each number
with a space, not a comma.
1) DCE Application Developers Kit V4.1
2) DCE Application Developers Manual Pages V4.1
3) DCE Cell Directory Server V4.1
4) DCE Command Reference Manual Pages V4.1
You are installing the following optional subsets:
DCE Application Developers Kit V4.1
DCE Application Developers Manual Pages V4.1
DCE Cell Directory Server V4.1
DCE Command Reference Manual Pages V4.1
Estimated free diskspace(MB) in root:285.6 usr:265.7 var:1140.3
Checking file system space required to install selected subsets:
Working....Mon Mar 12 14:51:41 EST 2001
DCE Cell Directory Server V4.1
DCE Application Developers Kit V4.1
DCE Command Reference Manual Pages V4.1
DCE Application Developers Manual Pages V4.1
Working....Mon Mar 12 14:52:54 EST 2001
6 of 6 subsets installed successfully.
Copyright (c) Entegrity Solutions, Inc. 2000, 2001
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved
under the copyright laws of the United States.
Possession, use, or copying of the software and
media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written
license from Entegrity Solutions, Inc.
disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii)
Beginning configuration of DCE Version 4.1.
You will be asked a few questions before configuration can proceed.
Online help is available where the prompt contains a "?" choice.
If DCE was installed previously, the following message is displayed:
Directory /opt/dcelocal exists. It may contain the DCE databases.
Do you want to delete the old DCE databases? (y/n/?) [n]:
If you type "n" or press <return> (the default), you preserve the old DCE configuration.
If you type "y", you delete the old configuration and the following message displays:
The existing DCE databases will be removed upon the
successful completion of installation of DCERTS410.
Please enter the location for new DCE local databases,
or press <RETURN> for the default location [/var]:
Whether you entered yes or no, the following lines show:
There will be no more questions asked for the remainder of the configuration.
Creating DCE local directory structure.
If you had answered yes, to delete old databases, two lines follow here:
Removing old DCE local databases as directed.
Created new DCE local database directory /opt/dcelocal
Whether you entered yes or no, the following lines show:
Creating DCE local directory structure
Removing old DCE local databases as directed.
Created new DCE local database directory /opt/dcelocal
Created cdsl for DCE local directory /var/dcelocal
Created cdsl for Kerberos directory /krb5
Created cdsl for SIA directory /etc/sia
Created cdsl for Kerberos 5 configuration file /etc/krb5.conf
There will be output for each member, as follows:
Configuring "DCE Runtime Services V4.1" (DCERTS410) on member0
Creating local DCE File Links (member1)
Copyright (c) Entegrity Solutions, Inc. 2000, 2001
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved
under the copyright laws of the United States.
Possession, use, or copying of the software and
media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written
license from Entegrity Solutions, Inc.
disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii)
of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as
Configuring "DCE Security Server V4.1" (DCESEC410) on member0
Copyright (c) Entegrity Solutions, Inc. 2000, 2001
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved
under the copyright laws of the United States.
Possession, use, or copying of the software and
media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written
license from Entegrity Solutions, Inc.
disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii)
of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as
Configuring "DCE Cell Directory Server V4.1" (DCECDS410) on member0
Installation of all the requested DCE subsets is completed.
You have installed the DCE software which requires further action
to configure and start it. To do so please invoke "/usr/sbin/dcesetup"
and select option 1 (Configure DCE services) from the main menu.
Copyright (c) Entegrity Solutions, Inc. 2000, 2001
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved
under the copyright laws of the United States.
Possession, use, or copying of the software and
media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written
license from Entegrity Solutions, Inc.
disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii)
of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as
Configuring "DCE Application Developers Kit V4.1" (DCEADK410) on member0
Creating local DCE File Links (member1)
Installation of all the requested DCE subsets is completed.
Copyright (c) Entegrity Solutions, Inc. 2000, 2001
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved
under the copyright laws of the United States.
Possession, use, or copying of the software and
media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written
license from Entegrity Solutions, Inc.
disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii)
of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as
Configuring "DCE Command Reference Manual Pages V4.1" (DCEMAN410) on
Creating local DCE File Links (member1)
Copyright (c) Entegrity Solutions, Inc. 2000, 2001
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved
under the copyright laws of the United States.
Possession, use, or copying of the software and
media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written
license from Entegrity Solutions, Inc.
disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii)
of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as
Configuring "DCE Application Developers Manual Pages V4.1" (DCEADKMAN410)
on member0
Creating local DCE File Links (member1)
Installation of all the requested DCE subsets is completed.
Configuring "DCE Runtime Services V4.1" (DCERTS410) on member1
Creating local DCE File Links (member1)
Installation of all the requested DCE subsets is completed. (member1)
Configuring "DCE Security Server V4.1" (DCESEC410) on member1
Installation of all the requested DCE subsets is completed.
Configuring "DCE Cell Directory Server V4.1" (DCECDS410) on member1
Installation of all the requested DCE subsets is completed.
Configuring "DCE Application Developers Kit V4.1" (DCEADK410) on member1
Creating local DCE File Links (member1)
Installation of all the requested DCE subsets is completed.
Configuring "DCE Command Reference Manual Pages V4.1" (DCEMAN410) on
Creating local DCE File Links (member1)
Installation of all the requested DCE subsets is completed.
Configuring "DCE Application Developers Manual Pages V4.1" (DCEADKMAN410)
on member1
Creating local DCE File Links (member1)
Installation of all the requested DCE subsets is completed.
# setld -i | grep DCE | grep"_ _installed"
The initial steps resemble those in Section 1.7. The following introductory information was added:
If you mounted the DCE CDROM on the /mnt/ directory, then the kit
location is /mnt/kit.
The subsets listed below are optional:
There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single
screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen
or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will
be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed.
2) DCE DFS Kernel Binaries V4.1
4) DCE DFS NFS-DFS Secure Gateway Server V4.1
5) DCE DFS Utilities/Debug V4.1
Or you may choose one of the following options:
7) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus
8) EXIT without installing any subsets
Estimated free diskspace(MB) in root:285.6 usr:275.6 var:1102.8
Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus.
Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus.
Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6):1-5
2) DCE DFS Kernel Binaries V4.1
4) DCE DFS NFS-DFS Secure Gateway Server V4.1
5) DCE DFS Utilities/Debug V4.1
You are installing the following optional subsets:
DCE DFS NFS-DFS Secure Gateway Server V4.1
Estimated free diskspace(MB) in root:285.6 usr:246.8 var:1102.8
Checking file system space required to install selected subsets:
DCE DFS NFS-DFS Secure Gateway Server V4.1
5 of 5 subsets installed successfully.
Configuring "DCE DFS Base V4.1" (DCEDFS410) on member0
Creating local DCE File Links (member1)
Installation of the DCE DFS Base V4.1 (DCEDFS410)
Modifying /sys/conf/files due to change in Tru64 UNIX V5.0 configuration.
Configuring "DCE DFS Kernel Binaries V4.1" (DCEDFSBIN410) on member0
Installation of the DCE DFS Kernel Binaries V4.1 (DCEDFSBIN410)
To configure DFS services, you must first build a DFS kernel. Type
`doconfig' and choose the DCEDFS kernel option from the menu (along with
any others you desire). Copy the resulting kernel to /vmunix, reboot,
then run `/usr/sbin/dfssetup' to configure DFS, if necessary.
Configuring "DCE DFS Utilities/Debug V4.1" (DCEDFSUTL410) on member0
Creating local DCE File Links (member1)
Installation of the DCE DFS Utilities/Debug V4.1 (DCEDFSUTL410)
Configuring "DCE DFS Man Pages V4.1" (DCEDFSMAN410) on member0
Creating local DCE File Links (member1)
Installation of the DCE/DFS Man Pages V4.1 (DCEDFSMAN410)
Configuring "DCE DFS NFS-DFS Secure Gateway Server V4.1"
(DCEDFSNFSSRV410) on member0
Installation of the DCE DFS NFS-DFS Secure Gateway Server V4.1
Installation of all the requested DCE subsets is completed.
You have installed the DCE software which requires further action
to configure and start it. To do so please invoke "/usr/sbin/dcesetup"
and select option 1 (Configure DCE services) from the main menu.
Configuring "DCE DFS Base V4.1" (DCEDFS410) on member1
Creating local DCE File Links (member1)
Installation of the DCE DFS Base V4.1 (DCEDFS410)
Installation of all the requested DCE subsets is completed.
Configuring "DCE DFS Kernel Binaries V4.1" (DCEDFSBIN410) on member1
Installation of the DCE DFS Kernel Binaries V4.1 (DCEDFSBIN410)
To configure DFS services, you must first build a DFS kernel. Type
`doconfig' and choose the DCEDFS kernel option from the menu (along with
any others you desire). Copy the resulting kernel to /vmunix, reboot,
then run `/usr/sbin/dfssetup' to configure DFS, if necessary.
Installation of all the requested DCE subsets is completed.
Configuring "DCE DFS Utilities/Debug V4.1" (DCEDFSUTL410) on member1
Creating local DCE File Links (member1)
Installation of the DCE DFS Utilities/Debug V4.1 (DCEDFSUTL410)
Installation of all the requested DCE subsets is completed.
Configuring "DCE DFS Man Pages V4.1" (DCEDFSMAN410) on member1
Creating local DCE File Links (member1)
Installation of the DCE/DFS Man Pages V4.1 (DCEDFSMAN410)
Installation of all the requested DCE subsets is completed.
Configuring "DCE DFS NFS-DFS Secure Gateway Server V4.1"
(DCEDFSNFSSRV410) on member1
Installation of the DCE DFS NFS-DFS Secure Gateway Server V4.1
Installation of all the requested DCE subsets is completed.
(Remember that DCE had to have been configured before installing DFS.)
DFS databases are preserved from one version to another; if you did not recreate the dcelocal directory during installation of the DCE Runtime Services Kit. Choice is explained at Chapter 1.11 on page 28
1.13 Installing DCE in a DMS Environment
Gradient DCE for Tru64 UNIX 4.1 allows you to install DCE on a Dataless Management System client. For detailed information on DMS, see the section on Dataless Management Services in the Tru64 UNIX System & Network Management Guide; the DMS section is in the chapter, "Sharing Software on a Local Area Network."
1.13.1 Hardware Requirements for a DMS Installation
Hardware requirements are the same as those for a regular DCE installation, listed on Section 1.3.1 on page 11.
CONFIGURE software environments
i) INSTALL software environments
Choices without key letters are not available.
DMU Software Installation Menu:
You have chosen to add a product to an existing environment.
The existing environment is /alt/dms/dms0.alpha.
The subsets listed below are optional:
Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen.
Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6):
Or you may choose one of the following options:
13) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus
14) EXIT without installing any subsets
Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus.
Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 12
You are installing the following optional subsets:
Checking file system space required to install selected subsets:
11 subset(s) will be installed.
DCE Security Server V4.1
Copying from /DCE410_kit (disk)
DCE Cell Directory Server V4.1
Copying from /DCE410_kit (disk)
DCE Application Developers Kit V4.1
Copying from /DCE410_kit (disk)
DCE Command Reference Manual Pages V4.1
Copying from /DCE410_kit (disk)
DCE DFS Base V4.1
Copying from /DCE410_kit (disk)
DCE DFS Kernel Binaries V4.1
Copying from /DCE410_kit (disk)
DCE DFS Utilities/Debug V4.1
Copying from /DCE410_kit (disk)
Loading 10 of 11 subset(s)....
DCE DFS Man Pages V4.1
Copying from /DCE410_kit (disk)
Loading 11 of 11 subset(s)....
DCE DFS NFS-DFS Secure Gateway Server V4.1
Copying from /DCE410_kit (disk)
11 of 11 subset(s) installed successfully.
Beginning configuration of DCE Version 4.1.
You will be asked a few questions before configuration can proceed.
On-line help is available where the prompt contains a "?" choice.
There will be no more questions asked for the remainder of the
Creating DCE local directory structure
Removing old DCE local databases as directed.
Created new DCE local database directory /opt/dcelocal
Use the DMU Main Menu to create a client.
Choices without key letters are not available.
You have chosen to add a client for dataless service.
The following conditions must be met to add a client:
Do you want to continue? (y/n) [y]:
Enter the client processor's hostname or press RETURN to quit: myhost
Enter the path to contain the root file system. [/clients/myhost]:
Enter the swap device and partition on myhost. [rz0b]: rz11g
Enter the swap device drive type for rz11g. [RZ26]: rz56
Enter the network interface for myhost ( [ln0]:
Enter the subnet mask for ln0. []:
Enter the type of kernel build area for myhost.
You may select [F]ull, [P]artial, [N]one or [H]elp for more information. [P]:
You have specified the following configuration for myhost:
The existing environment is /alt/dms/dms0.alpha.
The following environment will be installed from /alt/dms/dms0.alpha:
Checking file system space required for client root and var file
Creating the root and var filesystems for myhost.
Working....Thu Oct 1 08:45:05 EDT 2000
Working....Thu Oct 1 08:47:06 EDT 2000
You can use the DMU Main Menu to obtain information about the preceding operation.
The following clients are registered for /alt/dms/dms0.alpha:
The following is a sample of output from booting the DMS client system:
Configuring "Base System " (OSFBASE425)
Configuring "Base System - Hardware Support " (OSFHWBASE425)
Configuring "Compiler Back End " (OSFCMPLRS425)
Configuring "Kernel Header and Common Files " (OSFBINCOM425)
Configuring "Standard Kernel Modules " (OSFBIN425)
Configuring "Hardware Kernel Header and Common Files" (OSFHWBINCOM425)
Configuring "Hardware Kernel Modules " (OSFHWBIN425)
Configuring "Basic Networking Services " (OSFCLINET425)
Configuring "NFS(tm) Utilities " (OSFNFS425)
Configuring "Local Printer Support " (OSFPRINT425)
Configuring "Basic X Environment " (OSFX11425)
Configuring "CDE Minimum Runtime Environment " (OSFCDEMIN425)
Configuring "CDE Desktop Environment " (OSFCDEDT425)
Configuring "LK201 Keyboard Support " (OSFKBDLK201425)
Configuring "LK401 Keyboard Support " (OSFKBDLK401425)
Configuring "LK411 Keyboard Support " (OSFKBDLK411425)
Configuring "LK421 Keyboard Support " (OSFKBDLK421425)
Configuring "LK444 Keyboard Support " (OSFKBDLK444425)
Configuring "PCXAL Keyboard Support " (OSFKBDPCXAL425)
Configuring "X Servers Base " (OSFSER425)
Configuring "X Servers for PCbus " (OSFSERPC425)
Configuring "X Servers for TurboChannel " (OSFSERTC425)
Configuring "X Servers for Open3D " (OSFSER3D425)
Configuring "X Fonts " (OSFMITFONT425)
Configuring "DECwindows 100dpi Fonts " (OSFFONT15425)
Configuring "DECwindows 75dpi Fonts " (OSFFONT425)
Configuring "Adobe Fonts " (OSFDPSFONT425)
Configuring "Old X Environment " (OSFOLDX11425)
Configuring "CDE Mail Interface " (OSFCDEMAIL425)
Configuring "Tcl Commands " (OSFTCLBASE425)
Configuring "Tk Toolkit Commands " (OSFTKBASE425)
Configuring "Java V1.1.4 Environment " (OSFJAVA425)
Configuring "Netscape Navigator Gold V3.04 " (OSFNETSCAPE425)
Configuring "Base System Management Applications and Utilities"
Configuring "Basic Networking Configuration Applications" (OSFNETCONF425)
Configuring "NFS(tm) Configuration Application " (OSFNFSCONF425)
Configuring "Graphical Base System Management Utilities" (OSFXSYSMAN425)
Configuring "Graphical System Administration Utilities" (OSFXADMIN425)
Configuring "Graphical Print Configuration Application" (OSFXPRINT425)
Configuring "Additional Networking Services " (OSFINET425)
Configuring "Dataless Management Services " (OSFDMS425)
Configuring "Doc. Preparation Tools " (OSFDCMT425)
Configuring "Doc. Preparation Tools Extensions " (OSFDCMTEXT425)
Configuring "Standard Programmer Commands " (OSFPGMR425)
Configuring "Standard Header Files " (OSFINCLUDE425)
Configuring "DCE Runtime Services V4.1" (DCERTS410)
This appears to be a DMS installation.
Is this a DMS installation? (y/n/?) [y]:
You are installing DCE on a DMS client system.
DMS assumes that all partitions other than swap are NFS mounted from the DMS
server system.
Please note that any data currently on the local partition will be lost.
Do you wish to mount a local filesystem to hold the DCE database at this
time? (y/n/?) [y]: n
Configuring "DCE Security Server V4.1" (DCESEC410)
DCESEC410 includes support for the License Management Facility.
A Product Authorization Key (PAK) is necessary for the use of this product.
*** WARNING: myhost doesn't have proper license for DCESEC410. ***
*** WARNING: Install correct PAK before running dcesetup. ***
Configuring "DCE Cell Directory Server V4.1" (DCECDS410)
*** WARNING: myhost doesn't have proper license for DCECDS410. ***
*** WARNING: Install correct PAK before running dcesetup. ***
Configuring "DCE Application Developers Kit V4.1" (DCEADK410)
DCEADK410 includes support for the License Management Facility.
A Product Authorization Key (PAK) is necessary for the use of this product.
*** WARNING: myhost doesn't have proper license for DCEADK410. ***
*** WARNING: Install correct PAK before running dcesetup. ***
Configuring "DCE Command Reference Manual Pages V4.1" (DCEMAN410)
Configuring "DCE Application Developers Manual Pages V4.1" (DCEADKMAN410)
Configuring "DCE DFS Base V4.1" (DCEDFS410)
Installation of the DCE DFS Base V4.1 (DCEDFS410) subset is complete.
Configuring "DCE DFS Kernel Binaries V4.1" (DCEDFSBIN410)
Installation of the DCE DFS Kernel Binaries V4.1 (DCEDFSBIN410) subset is
To configure DFS services, you must first build a DFS kernel. Type
'doconfig' and choose the DCEDFS kernel option from the menu (along with
any others you desire). Copy the resulting kernel to /vmunix, reboot,
then run '/usr/sbin/dfssetup' to configure DFS, if necessary.
Configuring "DCE DFS Utilities/Debug V4.1" (DCEDFSUTL410)
Installation of the DCE DFS Utilities/Debug V4.1 (DCEDFSUTL410) subset is
Configuring "DCE DFS Man Pages V4.1" (DCEDFSMAN410)
Installation of the DCE/DFS Man Pages V4.1 (DCEDFSMAN410) subset is complete.
Configuring "DCE DFS NFS-DFS Secure Gateway Server V4.1" (DCEDFSNFSSRV410)
Installation of the DCE DFS NFS-DFS Secure Gateway Server V4.1
(DCEDFSNFSSRV410) subset is complete.
Installation of all the requested DCE subsets is completed.
1.14 Re-Installing DCE in a DMS Environment over an Older Version of DCE
tar cvf /SYSTEM_NAME_dcedb.tar
find . > /SYSTEM_NAME_dcedb_before.dif
find . > /SYSTEM_NAME_dcedb_after.dif
tar -xvf /SYSTEM_NAME_dcedb.tar -R /dcedb_extract.lis
/SYSTEM_NAME_dcedb.tar, /SYSTEM_NAME_dcedb_before.dif,
/SYSTEM_NAME_dcedb_after.dif, and /dcedb_extract.lis
1.15 Mounting a Local Partition for DCE in the DMS Environment
The output returned is similar to the following:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root system 13 Aug 27 11:15 /opt/dcelocal -> /var/dcelocal
The actual location in this case is /var/dcelocal.
cp -R -p /var/dcelocal /dcedms
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