DFS Configuration Guide v4.2
Using Other DCE DFS Commands
3.1 DCE DFS Setup Configuration Commands
This chapter describes the DFS setup configuration commands and what to do in case an error occurs during the DCE DFS configuration process.
Table 3-1 describes the DCE DFS configuration setup commands. This information is available by running /usr/sbin/dfssetup
3.2 Recovering From Configuration Errors
If you receive an error message at any time while running the DCE DFS configuration utility, you can get more detailed information about the cause of the error by examining the /opt/dcelocal/dfssetup.log file. This log file contains a record of the operations invoked by the DCE DFS configuration utility the last time it was executed, and might help you diagnose the cause of the problem.
Because the log file is created whenever dfssetup is invoked, Entegrity
recommends that you copy the log file before running dfssetup again. That
way information about any error condition will not be lost.
Sometimes the cause of an error is transitory and may not recur if you repeat the operation. Use the /usr/sbin/dfssetup restart command to retry if errors are encountered during the startup of the DFS daemons.
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