For information about masks, see Adding Masks and ACL Mask Entries.
To change permissions on an unauthenticated or a general mask:
1. Select the mask entry whose permissions you want to modify.
The entry is highlighted.
2. Pull down the Modify Entries menu and select Modify Permissions on Selected Entries ...
The Permission Change dialog box appears with the name Unauthenticated Mask or General Mask in the User field and the permissions displayed in the Permissions box.
3. Click the permissions you wish to grant.
To change multiple permissions, click the permissions you want to change in the Permissions box. A checkmark appears next to each selected permission. To deselect a permission, click the selected permission.
For information on what each permission means, click the button..
4. After you make the necessary changes, click OK. The new permissions are displayed in the ACL Masks box at the bottom of the display.