DCE and DFS for Linux Installation and Configuration Guide
Installing DCE and DFS for Linux
This chapter describes installation and de-installation of the product and contains the following sections:
2.1 Installation Overview
2.2 Prerequisites
2.3 Error Recovery During Installation
2.4 Installing DCE
2.5 Installing Licenses
2.6 Uninstalling DCE
2.7 Disabling DCE
2.1 Installation Overview
Follow this sequence to install DCE and DFS and create a cell with servers and client. Details are in the following chapters:
Install the DCE software (Chapter 2)
Install the DFS software (now, or after configuring DCE) (Chapter 4)
Install the license files (Section 2.5, Installing Licenses)
Configure a DCE cell (Chapter 4)
Configure a DFS server (Chapter 5)
Configure a DFS client Chapter 5.4.4
2.2 Prerequisites
For information on what hardware and software is necessary, see the DCE and DFS for Linux Release Notes.
2.3 Error Recovery During Installation
If errors occur during the installation, the system displays failure messages. Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist:
If errors occur, the Red Hat Linux Getting Started Guide may be helpful.
2.4 Installing DCE
Procedures are listed for a command line and gnoRPM and KDE. If you are using another windowing environment, the steps may differ.
The installation procedure creates DCE file directories subordinate to the /opt/dcelocal directory and loads DCE software subsets. There are links to those files in /usr/lib and /usr/bin.
If reinstalling, uninstall any DCE package first. See Section 2.6,
Uninstalling DCE.
Installing from the Command line:
To install if no previous version exists:
rpm -i package name
For example (from root): rpm -i /misc/dceman-2.3-60.RH.i386.rpm
To update from a previous version:
rpm -U package name
For more information on the rpm -U command, see the Linux man pages.
Installing with gnoRPM :
Launch gnoRPM.
From the command window, enter startx to start the GNOME desktop.
Choose the Main Menu > Programs > System > gnoRPM.
(You can also access the Main Menu by clicking the icon that looks like
a footprint.)
Click Install. The Install window appears.
Click Add. A window appears allowing you to browse to the location to install from, or to type in the location and package.
After selecting or typing in the package name, click Add, then click Close. Drag that window away to show the gnoRPM Install window. You can add multiple packages.
Make sure the package(s) is selected (checked), then click Install. An installation progress window appears. After that window closes, the installation is complete. This can take a few minutes.
Installing with KDE
Launch Konqueror (differently in SuSE and RedHat).
Find the directory where you stored the dce rpm packages.
Single click the package you want to install. This displays the kpackage window.
Click Install. The installation can take a few minutes. A kpackage status window is displayed until installation is complete. If it seems too long, you can move the top window aside and click on the older window. If that window lets you click on the package and it displays properties, installation is complete.
Repeat steps 1-4 to install any other packages.
2.5 Installing Licenses
License files are supplied on a diskette or are available through Entegrity Solutions Technical Support. You receive licenses only for those products you purchase.
Copy the license files (adk.lic, cds.lic, dfsc.lic, dfss.lic, rts.lic, or sec.lic) into /opt/dcelocal/bin/
before configuring the DCE software. (For more information, Section 1.2, Product Licensing)
2.6 Uninstalling DCE
If you intend to reconfigure, use dcesetup option 7, clobber, before you
uninstall (see Section 4.3, Configuring Your System as a DCE Client with
Runtime Services).
Using the command line
From the command line, use rpm -e Packagename
For example: rpm -e dceman-2.3-60.RH
2.7 Disabling DCE
To disable DCE from starting automatically at reboot:
From command line, type the following:
/sbin/chkconfig dce off
For DFS, use the following command:
/sbin/chkconfig dfs off
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