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For those new to the Linux operating system, this appendix lists some Linux Red Hat commands and concepts you might find useful when installing the product. For complete details on any of the concepts or commands listed here, see the Red Hat or GNOME documentation.
C.1 The GNOME Desktop Environment
To start the GNOME desktop environment, at a command line, type startx.
C.1.1 Accessing the GNOME Main Menu
In the GNOME desktop environment, access the Main Menu by clicking the the icon that looks like a footprint.
C.1.2 Setting Time
To set the time from the GNOME desktop environment, follow these steps:
See Logging Out on page64 and Search Tools on page64 for more GNOME tips.
A package can contain subfiles.
A package can be referred to by its longer package filename or the shorter package name.
For example, the command rpm -i uses package filename:
The command rpm -e, however, uses the package name:
If the machine will not respond, sometimes you may still be able to log out.
You may find the following search tools useful when trying to find packages or other files.
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