

Starts the CDS server


cdsd [-a] [-D] [-l principal] [-v directory version] [-w route]


Creates a new namespace if there is not an existing namespace. This flag is meaningful only when the cell is first configured (that is, the initial creation of the namespace).

For debugging use only. Causes the cdsd process not to fork.

-l principal
Sets locksmith mode. Allows the specified principal to have full access to all information stored with this server.

-v directory version
Causes the cdsd to create new directories with the specified CDS directory version number. Currently, 4.0 is the only version supported.

-w route
Routes serviceability messages.

The cdsd command starts the Cell Directory Service (CDS) server.

Privileges Required
You must log in as superuser (root).

This command is ordinarily executed by a DCE configuration or startup script. You should use this command interactively only when a cdsd server fails to start automatically after a reboot, or if you want to restart a cdsd server after disabling it to perform a backup or to do diagnostic work on the host system.

Use the -v 4.0 option when all CDS clearinghouses and directories in the cell are based on OSF DCE release 1.1 or later. This enables the use of features such as cell aliasing, hierarchical cells, and CDS recognition of extended privilege attribute certificates on ACLs in namespace entries. If you are creating a new cell based on OSF DCE release 1.1 or later and you do not use the -v 4.0 option, you must manually upgrade the CDS_DirectoryVersion attribute of the cell root directory to 4.0 to use the release 1.1 features in CDS. Refer to the OSF DCE Administration Guide - Core Components

To restart a cdsd server, follow these steps:

1. Log in to the server system as superuser (root).

2. Verify that the dced and cdsadv processes are running.

3. Enter the following command to restart the CDS server:


When the server process starts, it starts all clearinghouses on the system.

Related Information




Book: OSF DCE Administration Guide - Core Components