
Using Wildcard Characters

When entering a name in show and list commands, you can use wildcard characters in the rightmost simple name (the name to the right of the last slash (/) in the full path name). The asterisk (*) matches 0 or more characters in a simple name. The question mark (?) matches exactly one character in a simple name.

When you use an asterisk or a question mark as a normal character in the rightmost simple name of a show or list command, escape it with a backslash (\* or \?). Otherwise, the character is interpreted as a wildcard.

You cannot use wildcard characters in show clerk and show server commands.

Privileges Required
CDS supports the following DCE permissions: read (r), write (w), insert (i), delete (d), test (t), control (c), and administer (a). Each permission has a slightly different meaning, depending on the kind of CDS name with which it is associated. In general, the permissions are defined as follows:

Allows a principal to look up a name and view the attribute values associated with it.

Allows a principal to change the modifiable attributes associated with a name, except the name's access control list (ACL) entries.

Allows a principal to create new names in a directory.
For use with directory entries only

Allows a principal to delete a name from the namespace.

Allows a principal to test whether an attribute of a name has a particular value without being able to actually see any of the values (that is, without having read permission to the name).

Test permission provides application programs a more efficient way to verify a CDS attribute value. Rather than reading an entire set of values, an application can test for the presence of a particular value.

Allows a principal to modify the ACL entries associated with a name. (Note that read permission is also necessary for modifying a CDS entry's ACLs; otherwise, acl_edit will not be able to bind to the entry.) Control permission is automatically granted to the creator of a CDS name.

For use with directory entries only. Allows a principal to issue CDS control program commands that control the replication of directories.

The creator of a name is automatically granted all permissions appropriate for the type of name created. For example, a principal creating an object entry is granted r (read), w (write), d (delete), t (test), and control permission to the object entry. A principal creating a directory is granted r (read), w (write), i (insert), d (delete), t (test), control, and A (Admin) permission to the directory.

The following command starts the CDS control program:


The following command operates from the system prompt to display the attributes of the CDS clerk on the local system:

cdscp show clerk

Related Information

Book: OSF DCE Administration Guide - Core Components