
Modifying Accounts

The dcecp account modify command with the allows you to modify accounts. You can modify any of the account attributes.

When you modify accounts, you must supply your password with the -mypwd option to verify your identity. Note that the password you type is not displayed on the screen. If you do not enter a password, you are prompted for it. Because you are required to enter your password, you must run the account modify command in interactive mode. You cannot run it in command-line mode where your password cannot be prevented from displaying on the screen.

The following example shows how to use the account modify command to specify a new home directory for mahler's account:

dcecp> account modify mahler -home /.../music/fs/users/mahler/concert \
> -mypwd cellpwd

Note that you can also use the -change option with account modify to supply the changes in an attribute list. The -add and -remove options are not supported with the account modify command because each account attribute must be present and must have a value.