
Adding Accounts Example

Use the dcecp account create command to create accounts. When you use the account create command, you must supply the name of the principal for which the account is being created and the group and organization with which the account is associated. In addition, you must supply your password with the -mypwd option to verify your identity. If you do not enter your password, dcecp will prompt you. All other attributes can be allowed to default. Note that the password you type is not displayed on the screen.

Because you are required to enter your password, you must run the account create command in interactive mode. You cannot run it in command-line mode where your password cannot be prevented from displaying on the screen.

The following example shows the dcecp account create command used to create an account for the principal mahler, which is associated with the group symphonists and the organization classic. All other account attributes are allowed to default.

dcecp> account create mahler -group symphonists -organization classic \
> password passwd -mypwd cellpwd

Note that it is possible to create multiple accounts with one account create command. To do so, enclose the names of the principals for whom the accounts are being created in braces, separated by spaces. For example, to create accounts for the principals bach, britten, and mahler, you could enter the following:

dcecp> account create {bach britten mahler} -group symphonists \
> -organization classic -password music -mypwd cellpwd

When you create multiple accounts each account is assigned the same attributes. This means that, in the example, the accounts for bach, britten, and mahler are all associated with the symphonists group and classic organization, and they are all assigned the password music. You may find it useful to create multiple accounts this way for principals that all belong to the same group and organization. Notify users whose accounts were created this way to change their passwords immediately.