Operation |
Description |
add |
Adds a principal to a group or organization to a registry replica. |
catalog |
Displays the names of all the principals, groups, and organizations in a registry replica. For the registry itself, displays the master and slave replicas existing in a DCE cell. |
check |
Displays the permissions that a DCE ACL currently grants to a security principal. |
checkpoint |
Resets the registry checkpoint interval. |
create |
Creates a new principal, group, organization, or account in a registry replica. Also, creates a new entry for an ERA schema. |
delete |
Deletes a principal, group, organization, or account from a registry replica. For the registry itself, deletes a slave replica. For an ERA schema, deletes entries. For a DCE ACL, removes ACL
designate |
Changes which registry replica is the master. |
destroy |
Destroys the specified replica and its copy of the registry database. |
disable |
Disables the master replica of the registry for updates. |
dump |
Displays information on each replica of the registry existing in a cell. |
enable |
Enables the master replica of the registry for updates. |
generate |
Generates a random password for an existing registry account. |
help |
Displays help information about a principal, group, organization, account, ERA schema, or DCE ACL in a registry replica, or about the registry replica itself. |
list |
Displays the names of the principals belonging to a group or organization in a registry replica. |
modify |
Modifies the attribute information in a registry replica for a principal, group, account, ERA schema entry, DCE ACL entry, or for the registry itself. For an organization, also modifies the policy
operations |
Displays the operations that can be performed by or on a principal, group, organization, account, ERA schema, DCE ACL, or registry replica. |
permissions |
Displays the permissions granted by a ACL on a protected DCE component. |
remove |
Removes one or more principals from a group or organization in a registry replica. |
rename |
Changes the name of a principal, group, organization, or ERA schema in a registry replica. |
replace |
Replaces the entire ACL on a DCE component or the address of a registry schema. |
show |
Displays information about the attributes of a principal, group, ERA schema entries, or DCE ACL entries. Also displays information about the policies for an organization, account, or registry
stop |
Stops a security server process. |
synchronize |
Instructs the slave replica of the registry to update its contents from the master replica. |
verify |
Checks if all of the registry's replicas are up-to-date. |