Security Service Objects
The DCE control program has functions that operate on the following security service components:
principal This object represents registry principals. These principals can be human users of the network, servers on the network, machines on the network, or cells with which
the local cell will engage in cross-cell authentication.
group This object represents registry groups. Groups are collections of principals for which you can assign access rights to objects.
organization This object represents registry organizations. Organizations are collections of principals to whom you can assign policies that expand your areas of administrative
account This object represents the accounts that are established in the registry for principals.
registry This object represents the registry, or the DCE Security Service's database of account information, in a DCE cell. The registry copy operated on can be either the
master replica or a slave replica.
xattrschema This object operates on the schemas, or the definitions, for extended registry attributes (ERAs) that you specify for DCE Security Service components and data
maintained by the host daemon (dced) on the local host.
acl This object represents the ACLs for all of the DCE entities that can be protected by the ACL facility of the DCE Security Service.
keytab This object represents the files that store the keys, or passwords, for authenticated server principals in the DCE Security Service.