
This option stops all active DCE daemons and deletes all temporary and permanent local databases associated with the DCE daemons on your system.

For a client configuration, Unconfigure removes all references to the client from the cell database. This includes objects in the CDS namespace and all security account information in the Security registry. It will also delete local configuration files. In short, Unconfigure does additional cleanup work at the cell.

For both client and server configurations, use the Unconfigure option to delete the configuration. If the Unconfigure operation fails for any reason, use the Clobber option.

During an Unconfigure operation, the actions that occur in order to delete the permanent configuration data are logged in the %DCELOC%\dcelocal\etc\cfgdce.log file.

If, after executing this command, you want to use DCE daemons, you must reconfigure the system.

Note: If you need to delete a split server configuration using Unconfigure, you must unconfigure first the CDS Directory server and then the Security server on the respective systems. You cannot unconfigure the CDS master side of a split server and then reconfigure into the same cell, without first unconfiguring the Security server side.

Related Topic:

Deleting your configuration from the host and the cell using Unconfigure