The Administration menu contains these menu items:
Starts all DCE services needed to run DCE-based applications on your system. Use this command when you know all DCE services have stopped.
Shuts down all active DCE services on your system.
Stops all active DCE services and restart all services.
Stops all active DCE services and deletes all temporary and permanent local databases associated with the DCE services on your system, including the DCE system configuration files. Clobber performs a full Unconfigure operation, removing remnants of the client from both the CDS namespace and the Security registry. It also performs a dcecp scrape.dce operation to remove entries in the endpoint map.
Stops all active DCE services and deletes all temporary databases associated with DCE services on your system.
Test …
Performs a test to verify your configuration.
Remote Client>
Creates configuration information for remote systems and stores it in the namespace for later use. This command requires cell_admin privileges. Once configuration information is stored, users without cell_admin privileges can perform local client configurations using the Create>Local Client… option on the Configuration menu.
Deletes configuration information previously stored in the namespace. This command requires cell_admin privileges.
Unconfig Local All…
Deletes local configuration information from the host system.