Account valid flag
accidental deletion 36, 39
creating for existing principal 42
creating multiple for one principal 28
default attributes 42
deleting 46
described 28, 41, 42
modifying attributes 45
principal group membership 40
reserved 32
showing list 45
viewing attributes 45
acctvalid attribute 42
Alias 28, 35
adding to a principal 36
deleting 36
auth_serv_type parameter 58
concept 47
DCE 1.1 enhancements 48
protection level 58
types 58
authentication_service parameter 59
authorization_service parameter 59
autoboot installation option 20
Automated distribution tools 20
Backup server 69
converting to primary 74
creating 74
described 66
binding encoding type 58
binding_info parameter 59
Call authentication level 58
CDS cache 127
CDS Cache Size
CDS directory tree
CDS servers 70
CdsdWaitTimeout 128
backup server 69
default replica configuration 70
described 13
displaying information 67
tuning features 15
verifying DCE services 69
cell backup command 67
cell ping command 69
cell show command 67
Cell topology
Change System Time permission 91
Clearinghouse 67, 70
client attribute 42
Client configuration tool 24
Client failover. See Failover
Connect authentication level 58
Contacting Entegrity Solutions 4
accounts 42
groups 37
organizations 38
principals 32
users 30
terminology 65
The Open Group documentation 4
verifying network accessibility 68
DCE 1.0
DCE 1.1
authentication 48, 49
login tracking in replicas 54
DCE Director 27, 42
dce-ptgt 32
dce-rgy 32
Default account attributes 42
intercell communication accounts 110
Default ACL 30
Deleting an account 46
Deleting groups and organizations 39
Deleting users 31
description attribute 43
Direct trust relationships 103
disable_time_interval ERA 53
adding entries for master servers 106
adding entries for replica servers 112
Documentation 3, 4
DTS daemon 15
dtsd 15
dupkey attribute 43
Failover 74, 123 to 129
application server 128
creating backup server 74
requirements 124
test statistics 125
Foreign cell
deleting users 31
object creation quota 33
password override function 62
user access 104
forwardabletkt attribute 43
Full client 16
Full name 28, 32
GDAD (Global Directory Agent)
GID 28
goodsince attribute 43
Groups 43
adding and deleting members 41
changing project list inclusion property 39
creating 37
default 30, 39
deleting 39
described 28, 37
displaying members 41
for intercell communication 109
membership list 40
renaming 39
showing 38
home attribute 43
host ping command 68
bootup after installation 20
large environments 19 to 23
manual installation 20
software distribution tools 20
Integrated login
Intercell communication
adding DNS entries 106
creating foreign cell accounts 108, 110
error message 109
establishing 106 to 112
foreign account default attributes 110
modifying acctvalid flag 111
Intercell trust
benefits 105
security concerns 105
Invalid login attempts
Invalid login ERA
attaching to principal 53, 54
modifying 54
IP address
kdestroy command 53
Kerberos 48, 49
kinit command 50
klist command 51, 52
krbtgt account 32, 110
krbtgt principal 32
Lightweight client 16
Listing accounts 45
Local Configuration Administrator 23
Locksmith mode 85, 86
Login context
Manual installation 20
CDS versus Security Server 65
converting security server to slave 77
DNS entries for 107
max_invalid_attempts ERA 53
maxtktlife attribute 44
maxtktrenew attribute 44
Membership list
displaying 41
managing 40
Modifying account attributes 45
Modifying principal information 35
Multicell communication
MX record 107
name parameter 58
Name Service Interface Gateway 88
Noboot installation option 20
nogroup 39
none 30, 39
Object creation quota 28, 32, 33
organization modify command 55
Organizations 43
creating 38
default 30, 39
deleting 39
described 28, 37
displaying members 41
for intercell communication 109
membership list 40
renaming 39
showing 38
OrgID 28
Orphaned objects
OSF documentation 4
passwd_override ERA 63
Password 43
creation 30
displaying properties 61
enforcing formats 56
expiration 52
formats 54
generating random 60, 61
limiting number of guesses 53
managing expiration 61
minimum length 54
modifying formats 55
modifying properties 62
overriding expiration 62, 63
viewing formats 55
Password management ERA 57
Password strength server 56
configuring 56
displaying log 61
generating random passwords 60, 61
location 56
overriding registry policy 60
source code 56
additional documentation 3
full client 16
lightweight client 16
pe_site file 87, 126, 127
Pkt authentication level 59
Pktinteg authentication level 59
Pktprivacy authentication level 59
Policy settings
postdatedtkt attribute 43
pre_auth_req ERA 48, 50, 51
assigning to principal 51
between DCE versions 49
managing 50 to 51
protocols 48
Primary name 28
changing 35
changing in groups and organizations 39
Primary server
account expiration 52
assigning pre_auth_req ERA 51
attaching ERAs 58
attaching invalid login ERAs 53
creating 30, 32
creating multiple 33
deleting 36
described 29
displaying ERAs 57
displaying privilege attributes 51
enforcing password formats 56
managing password expiration 63
modifying 35, 58
multiple accounts 28
project list access rights 29
renaming 35
reserved 32
showing information 33, 35
specifying object creation quota 33
viewing ERAs 54
Privilege attributes
described 50
displaying 51
Project list 29
changing inclusion property 39
prot_level parameter 58, 59
Protection level 58
proxiabletkt attribute 43
pwd_mgmt_binding ERA 57, 58
pwd_strengthd.exe 59
pwd_val_type ERA 57
pwdalpha attribute 54
pwdexpdate attribute 61
pwdlife attribute 61
pwdminlen attribute 54
pwdspaces attribute 54
pwdvalid attribute 44
Recovering orphaned objects 36
registry connect command 108, 109, 110
Registry keys
registry modify command 55, 62
Renaming groups and organizations 39
renewabletkt attribute 44
changing mastership 73
creating 72, 73
default configuration 70
described 65
management 74
modifying default configuration 70
situating 66
synchronizing 73
Replica servers
adding DNS entries 112
described 66
maximum per cell 14
rgy_edit 108, 109, 110
SecdWaitTimeout 128
invalid login handling 53
requirements for servers 66, 67
Security client
role in authentication 47
Security registry
Security replica
Security servers
listing 77
master 77
upgrading master 84
Security service
role in authentication 48
server requirements 17
backing up 82
converting backup to primary 74
creating backup 74
creating new primary 129
reconfiguring 79, 81
removing primary 76
restoring from backup 83
situating 66
starting in locksmith mode 86
testing operation 68
server attribute 44
server ping command 68
Service tickets 50
Setup options 20
shell attribute 44
Showing account attributes 45
Showing groups and organizations 38
Showing principal information 33, 35
Showing user information 30
converting to master 77
described 65
Split Configuration 23
stdtgtauth attribute 44
String binding 59
Support 4, 5
Synchronization 91
Technical support 4, 5
Terminal Server 115
Third-party protocol 49, 53
destroying 53
displaying 52
service 50
Ticket-granting ticket (TGT) 50
Time services
options 15
permissions 91
Timestamps protocol 49
timesync.exe 16, 91
Transitive trust relationships 103
TXT record 107
UID 29, 30
associating with groups 28
manual installation 20
software distribution tools 20
User 29
creating 30
default permissions 30
deleting 31
showing information 30
UUID 29, 110
associating with a name 36
To make comments or ask for help, contact
Portions of this document were derived from materials provided by Compaq Computer Corporation.
Copyright © 1998-2003 Compaq Computer Corporation.
Copyright © 2003 Entegrity Solutions Corporation & its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.