
Running the Program

To run greet_dced, do the following.

1. Build the program by invoking the make command.

2. Change the uid and gid values in greet_dced.install as desired. If you do change them, make sure that you chown the keytab file to the same uid in Step 4 below.

3. As cell_admin, do:

dcecp greet_dced.install

This creates a server principal and account with the password "secret", creates a CDS directory and changes permissions on it (so that the server principal has rights to create its server entry, creates a keytab entry and creates a srvrconf entry. It handles errors, so if something else fails, (e.g., if the user already exists) the program will still run to completion.

4. As root, do:

chown your_user_name greet_dced.ktab

This is necessary because the form of the chown command in greet_dced.install will fail - it is present there only as a reminder. If you use a different uid in the script, change it here as well.

5. As cell_admin, do:

dcecp -c server start greeter_dced

6. Wait a few moments and check /tmp/srv.out to make sure the server has started.

7. Start the client as follows:

./greet_dced_client /.:/subsys/my_company/greet_dced/greeter_dced_entry

After you are done, you can get rid of everything as follows:

1. As cell_admin, stop the server:

dcecp -c server stop greeter_dced -method soft

2. As cell_admin, run the delete script:

dcecp greet_dced.delete

The program has the following limitations:

· The server does not catch signals, so when it is stopped it does not clean up anything.

· The dce_server_sec_begin() routine logs in using the server principal and keytab specified in the srvrconf file. It also starts a thread to manage the server's key. However, it does not start a thread to refresh the server's login context. That still needs to be done by the application writer, using the same method that was used in DCE 1.0.x:

create a thread to run the following:


find out when the login context expires

do a pthread_delay_np for
(expiration time - current time - 10 minutes)

sec_login_refresh_identity( )

sec_key_mgmt_get_key( )

sec_login_validate_identity( )

sec_key_mgmt_free_key( )

end loop