

The stub performs basic support functions for remote procedure calls. For instance, stubs prepare input and output arguments for transmission between systems with different forms of data representation. The stubs use the RPC runtime to handle the transmission between the client and server. The client stub can also use the runtime to find servers for the client.

When a client application calls a remote procedure, the client stub first prepares the input arguments for transmission. The process for preparing arguments for transmission is known as marshalling. Marshalling converts call arguments into a byte-stream format and packages them for transmission. Upon receiving call arguments, a stub unmarshalls them. Unmarshalling is the process by which a stub disassembles incoming network data and converts it into application data by using a format that the local system understands. Marshalling and unmarshalling both occur twice for each remote procedure call; that is, the client stub marshalls input arguments and unmarshalls output arguments, and the server stub unmarshalls input arguments and marshalls output arguments. Marshalling and unmarshalling permit client and server systems to use different data representations for equivalent data. For example, the client system can use ASCII characters and the server system can use EBCDIC characters, as shown in the following figure.

Marshalling and Unmarshalling Between ASCII and EBCDIC Data

Remote procedure call

The DCE IDL compiler (a tool for DCE application development) generates stubs by compiling an RPC interface definition written by application developers. The compiler generates marshalling and unmarshalling routines for platform-independent IDL data types.

To build the client for an RPC application, a developer links client application code with the client stubs of all the RPC interfaces the application uses. To build the server, the developer links the server application code with the corresponding server stubs.