
Details of Program Logic and Implementation

The number of workers to be used and the requested number of prime numbers to be found are defined constants. A macro is used to check for bad status (bad status returns a value of 1), and to print a given string and the associated error value upon bad status. Data to be accessed by all threads (mutexes, condition variables, and so forth) are declared as global items.

Worker threads execute the prime search routine, which begins by synchronizing with the boss (or parent) thread by using a predicate and a condition variable. Always enclose a condition wait in a predicate loop to prevent a thread from continuing if it receives a spurious wakeup. The lock associated with the condition variable must be held by the thread when the condition wait call is made. The lock is implicitly released within the condition wait call and acquired again when the thread resumes. The same mutex must be used for all operations performed on a specific condition variable.

After the parent sets the predicate and broadcasts, the workers begin finding prime numbers until canceled by a fellow worker who has found the last requested prime number. Upon each iteration, the workers increment the current number to be worked on and take the new value as their work item. A mutex is locked and unlocked around getting the next work item. The purpose of the mutex is to ensure the atomicity of this operation and the visibility of the new value across all threads. This type of locking protocol needs to be performed on all global data to ensure its visibility and protect its integrity.

Each worker thread then determines if its current work item (a number) is prime by trying to divide numbers into it. If the number proves to be nondivisible, it is put on the list of primes. Cancels are explicitly turned off while working with the list of primes in order to better control any cancels that do occur. The list and its current count are protected by locks, which also protect the cancellation process of all other worker threads upon finding the last requested prime. While still under the prime list lock, the current worker checks to see if it has found the last requested prime, and if so unsets a predicate and cancels all other worker threads. Cancels are then reenabled. The canceling thread falls out of the work loop as a result of the predicate that it unsets.

The parent thread's flow of execution is as follows: set up the environment, create worker threads, broadcast to them that they can start, join each thread as it finishes, and sort and print the list of primes.

· Setting up of the environment requires initializing mutexes and the one condition variable used in the example.

· Creation of worker threads is straightforward and utilizes the default attributes (pthread_attr_default). Note again that locking is performed around the predicate on which the condition variable wait loops. In this case, the locking is simply done for visibility and is not related to the broadcast function.

· As the parent joins each of the returning worker threads, it receives an exit value from them that indicates whether a thread exited normally or not. In this case the exit values on all but one of the worker threads are -1, indicating that they were canceled.

· The list is then sorted to ensure that the prime numbers are in order from lowest to highest.

The following pthread routines are used in this example:

· pthread_cancel( )

· pthread_cond_broadcast( )

· pthread_cond_init( )

· pthread_cond_wait( )

· pthread_create( )

· pthread_detach( )

· pthread_exit( )

· pthread_join( )

· pthread_mutex_init( )

· pthread_mutex_lock( )

· pthread_mutex_unlock( )

· pthread_setcancel( )

· pthread_testcancel( )