

Starts the Global Directory Agent daemon


gdad [-D] [-w route] [-b | -x]


For debugging use only. Causes the cdsadv process not to fork.

-w route
Routes serviceability messages.

Disables a BIND name resolution.

Disables X.500 name resolution.

The gdad command starts the Global Directory Agent (GDA) daemon. The GDA serves as a connection to the global naming environment.

Privileges Required
You must log in as superuser (root).

This command is ordinarily executed by a DCE configuration or startup script. You should use this command interactively only when a gdad process fails to start automatically after a reboot, or if you want to restart the GDA daemon after disabling it to perform a backup or do diagnostic work on the host system.

To start the gdad process, follow these steps:

1. Log in to the system as superuser (root).

2. Verify that the dced and cdsadv processes are running.

3. Enter the following command to restart the gdad process:


To stop the GDA, enter the following command:

# kill pid

where pid is the process identifier of the gdad process.

Related Information

Book: OSF DCE Administration Guide - Core Components