
define cached server(8cds)

Creates knowledge of a server in the local clerk's cache


cdscp define cached server name tower value


A simple name for the cached server.

tower value
The protocol sequence and network address of the server node. The format is protocol-sequence:network-address. A protocol-sequence is a character string identifying the network protocols used to establish a relationship between a client and server. There are two choices of protocol sequence, depending on the network address that is supplied in the binding: ncacn_ip_tcp or ncadg_ip_udp. For the network-address, specify an Internet address using the common Internet address notation. For more information about this format, see the RPC introduction in the DCE Application Development Reference.

The define cached server command creates knowledge of a server in the local clerk's cache. This command is typically used to manually provide configuration information to a clerk that cannot automatically configure itself. This is required, for instance, to give the clerk addressing information about a server across a WAN. When the clerk knows about one server, it can find other servers through referrals.

Privileges Required
You must have w (write) permission to the clerk.

This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE.

The following command creates knowledge of the server nrl in the local clerk's cache:

cdscp> define cached server nrl tower ncacn_ip_tcp:

Related Information


clear cached server(8cds)

dump clerk cache(8cds)

show cached server(8cds)

Book: OSF DCE Administration Guide - Core Components