DCE User Machine Configuration
An example of a DCE user machine is a user's workstation. This machine acts as a client to any of the DCE servers, but it does not act as a server itself (with one possible exception
noted in the next paragraph). A DCE user machine contains DCE Threads and DCE RPC software so it can communicate with other machines in the DCE environment. In addition, it contains the user client
configuration components of all the DCE services (see the following figure). Part of this software may be present in the form of libraries linked with DCE application software.
DCE User Machine Configuration

A DCE user machine may also contain DFS server software, although this is not required. This enables the machine not only to access remote files through its DFS client software, but also to export
its own file system to other machines through its DFS server software.
We call the software configuration of a typical DCE user machine the DCE user software. In summary, the DCE user contains
· DCE Threads and DCE RPC
· User client configuration components of each DCE service
· DFS server software (optional)