System Administrators
We divide the audience of system administrators into two categories: those who are planning, configuring, and installing DCE; and those who are responsible for maintaining DCE once it
is up and running.
People in the first category should begin with the Introduction to OSF DCE to gain an understanding of the whole system. Next, the OSF DCE Administration Guide - Introduction
describes issues and conventions concerning DCE as a whole system, and provides guidance for planning and configuring a DCE system. Administrators may then want to read the OSF DCE Release
Notes to learn how to build and install the various components of a DCE system. Finally, specific sections on a given component to be installed (for example, the directory service or time service)
should be reviewed in the OSF DCE Administration Guide - Core Components, and for even more detailed information, the OSF DCE Command Reference.
Administrators in the second category, DCE system maintainers, should refer first to the OSF DCE Administration Guide, and then the OSF DCE Command Reference, for information on the
particular DCE component they are administering. The OSF DCE DFS Administration Guide and Reference and OSF DCE GDS Administration Guide and Reference give information on managing
the DFS and GDS components.