Simple DCE Cell
The following figure shows an example of a simple DCE cell. The cell contains seven nodes, each of them running the DCE user software. Four of the nodes are typical workstations; they
are running only the DCE user software. One is an administrator's workstation; it runs the DCE administrator software in addition to the DCE user software. The other two nodes are DCE server
machines. One of the server machines is running a security server. The other server machine is running both a cell directory server and a distributed time server. This configuration is a complete,
basic DCE cell.
Simple DCE Cell Configuration

The following figure shows the same simple DCE cell, this time with a DCE application running in it. Node C is offering the Bank Service, and Nodes A and B have
the client code for accessing the Bank Service. The Bank Server has registered itself in the Cell Directory Service so the Bank Clients are able to locate it.
DCE Application in Simple Cell
