Installing and Running the greet Application
This section describes the process for an administrator who is installing and starting up the greet application, and a user who is running it.
· Installing the Client and Server Programs
An administrator installs the greet_client program on machines on which users will run the greet application. The administrator also installs the greet_server program on
one or more machines that will execute the server part of the greet application.
· Starting the greet server
To start up the greet server, the administrator enters the following command on a machine that has the Greet Server installed:
greet_server /.../my_cell/subsys/my_company/greet_server
· Running the greet application
To run the greet application, a user types the following command on any greet client machine:
greet_client /.../my_cell/subsys/my_company/greet_server
The greet server will print the message it received from the greet client. Then the greet client prints the reply that the greet server sent back to