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Use of minservers Attribute with Global ServersIf your network consists of more than a single LAN, it should have a set of global servers. You can create global servers by advertising local servers to the cell profile. (See Advertising Global Servers for further information.) The presence of global servers in your network can influence the value that you choose for the minservers attribute. If the number of local servers available to a clerk or server is less than the minservers attribute setting, the clerk or server automatically searches the cell profile for a global server name. The clerk or server then requests time values from the global and local servers. You can check to see whether global servers exist by entering the dts show command and viewing the globalservers attribute value. The dts show command can be entered with options (-attributes or -all) or without any options, as follows: dcecp> dts show {checkinterval +0-01:30:00.000I-----} {epoch 0} {tolerance +0-00:10:00.000I-----} {tdf -0-05:00:00.000I-----} {maxinaccuracy +0-00:00:00.100I-----} {minservers 3} {queryattempts 3} {localtimeout +0-00:00:05.000I-----} {globaltimeout +0-00:00:15.000I-----} {syncinterval +0-00:02:00.000I-----} {type server} {courierrole backup} {actcourierrole courier} {clockadjrate 10000000 nsec/sec} {maxdriftrate 1000000 nsec/sec} {clockresolution 10000000 nsec} {version V1.0.1} {timerep V1.0.0} {provider no} {autotdfchange no} {nexttdfchange 1994-10-30-06:00:00.000+00:00I0.000} {serverprincipal hosts/gumby/self} {serverentry hosts/gumby/dts-entity} {servergroup subsys/dce/dts-servers} {status enabled} {uuid 000013ed-000b-0000-b8ef-03a4fcdf00a4} dcecp> The dts show displays the name, node ID, and node name for all of the global servers known by the local node.