

Servers provide many of the communications and synchronization functions for DTS. Like clerks, they import information about other servers from LAN and cell profiles. Servers, however, also export bindings to their own CDS namespace entries and export their names to the LAN and cell profiles. (See the following subtopics on the server subtypes for further information on how servers are configured and located.)

External time-providers can be connected to servers, which propagate the precise time intervals they obtain from the time-providers throughout the network.

Before one server can obtain time values from another, the servers must have the same epoch number. Epochs divide the DTS implementation into logically separate areas. Servers only synchronize with other servers that have the same epoch number. All servers have the same epoch number when they are created. Infrequently, you may wish to change a server's epoch number, using the management interface, to isolate it from the network in order to correct a problem.


The Local Server Set

The Global Server Set
