Displaying Audit Trail Files
Use the dcecp auditrail show command to examine the contents of an audit trail file. You can display the contents of either the central or local audit trail file.
For example, you can use the following command to see the contents of the audit trail file central_trail:
dcecp> audtrail show /opt/dcelocal/var/audit/adm/central_trail
--- Start of an event record --- Event Number: 275
Event Name: LOGIN_getinfo
Event Outcome: success
Server: /.../stp.gburg.ibm.com/hosts/dceos2
Client: /.../stp.gburg.ibm.com/hosts/drinkernisti/self
Number of groups: 0
Authorization Status: Authorized with a pac
Date and Time recorded: 1994-12-19-19:02:27.037-05:00I-----
1 Event (s) specific
- item number 1 hosts/drinkernisti/self
--- End of an event record ---
--- Start of an event record --- Event Number: 275
Event Name: LOGIN_getinfo
Event Outcome: success
Server: /.../stp.gburg.ibm.com/hosts/dceos2
Client: Unknown client and cell uuids
Number of groups: 0
Authorization Status: Authorized with a pac
Date and Time recorded: 1994-12-19-19:02:28.819-05:00I-----
1 Event (s) specific
- item number 1 dce-rgy
--- End of an event record ---
If you prefer to have the audit trail data put into a file instead of displayed on your screen, include the -to option in the audtrail show command line. This option prints the
audit trail file's contents to a specified filename. Using this option is strongly recommended for large trail files.