
Authentication Information

Authentication information includes the following categories:

· For registry policies and properties

- The maximum ticket lifetime

- The maximum time for which tickets can be renewed

· For principals

- The maximum ticket lifetime for the principal's account

- The maximum time for which tickets that are issued to the principal's account can be renewed

- The date and time that the principal's account was last changed (Good Since Date)

- The date and time that the principal's account was enabled (Last Changed Date)

- The creator of the principal's account and account creation date

- Description of the account's use

- Whether the principal's account can be issued postdated tickets, forwardable tickets, renewable tickets, or proxiable tickets

- Whether the DCE Authentication Service can issue tickets to the principal's account based on ticket-granting ticket authorization or whether principals must obtain tickets directly for the service

- Whether the principal's account can be issued duplicate session keys