Converting a Slave to a Master
This subtopic describes how to use the dcecp registry designate command to convert a slave to a master. Be aware that, because the registry designate -master command
can cause data to be lost, the registry designate command without the -master option is the preferred means of designating a different master replica. Use the registry
designate -master command only if the master replica is irrevocably damaged and you are unable to use the registry designate command without the -master option.
Follow these steps to turn a master replica into a slave replica:
1. Choose the slave replica that will become the new master.
2. Issue the following registry designate -master command to change the default host to the master registry:
dcecp> registry /.../ -master dcecp>
3. Use the registry show -replica command to verify the change.
4. Use standard UNIX commands to delete the old master replica's database and .mkey file by deleting the directory dcelocal/var/security/rgy_data and the file
5. Use the registry delete command with the -force option to remove the old master from the replica list. The following example deletes the old master named history from
the replica list:
dcecp> registry delete /.../ -force dcecp>