
Reserved Principals and Accounts

Some principals and accounts are reserved for use by various system operations. You cannot delete reserved principals. You can modify, but not directly delete reserved accounts. Note, however, that you may delete reserved accounts indirectly by deleting the group or organization that is specified in the account. (See Creating and Maintaining Accounts for details.)

A list of reserved principals and accounts follows. In the list cell_name is the name of your cell, and host_principal_name is the name of the machine principal. The actual form of this name is set during DCE configuration.

· Reserved Principals:

- dce-ptgt

- krbtgt/cell_name

- dce-rgy

- host_principal_name

· Reserved Accounts:

- dce-ptgt none none

- krbtgt/cell_name none none

- dce-rgy none none

- host_principal_name none none