
Copying ACLs

To copy an ACL from one DCE object to another, use the DCE control program acl replace command with the -acl option as shown here:

dcecp> acl replace /.:/hosts/hermes -acl [acl show /.:/hosts/cyclops]

The example command replaces the ACL for the host hermes with the ACL for the host cyclops whose name is specified in the acl show command invoked by the -acl option. Note how the -acl show command in the -acl option is enclosed in [ ] (brackets). This is required when the -acl option value is a command invocation.

If you are copying between cells, use the acl replace command's -cell option, as well as its -acl option. For example:

dcecp> acl replace /.:/hosts/hermes -acl [acl show /.:/hosts/cyclops] -cell [acl show /.:/hosts/cyclops -cell]

To copy an extended entry type from the domain of one ACL manager to the domain of another ACL manager, use the output of the dcecp acl show command as the input to an acl replace command. To copy extended entries this way, both ACL managers must support the extended entry type.