
Names for Security Objects

Because the security namespace is rooted in the Cell Directory Service (CDS) namespace, security objects have CDS path names, which take the following form:



Is the name of the cell in which the object resides.

Is the name under which the DCE Security Service is registered in CDS.

Is the name of the registry object assigned when the object is created. If the object resides in a directory, object_name consists of the names of the object itself and any directories that must be traversed to access the object. Note that registry objects generally reside in the principal, group, or organization directory in the registry database. See Accessing Registry Objects for a more complete description of the registry database structure.

For example, the full path name for the principal bach, which resides in the cell, uses the sec (security) mount point and is in the principal directory as follows:


As another example, assume the group east-west resides in sales, which is a subdirectory of the group directory in the registry database in the cell. The full path name for east-west is as follows:



Using Names with dcecp Security Commands

Using Names with the dcecp acl Command