
Listing the Contents of Directories

The dcecp program provides a directory list command that allows you to display a list of the descendants of a directory within the cell namespace. A directory's descendants are all the child pointers, clearinghouses, object entries, and soft links existing in it.

To use the directory list command, you must have read permission to the CDS names that you want to display.

For a complete listing of a directory's contents, you enter the directory list command with the name of the directory or directories whose contents you wish to view. Example:

dcecp> directory list /.:/eng

/.../ /.../\

/.../ /.../\

/.../ /.../\

profile /.../ /.../eng_cell\\

eng/CDS_CTS /.../


By default, the directory list command displays the full names of the objects (the object names preceded by /.../pathname ) contained in the directory. To list only the RDNs of the objects, enter the directory list command with the -simplename option.

To display the names of a particular kind of directory descendant only, you include the appropriate option the directory list command. For example, you enter the following command to display the names of all the soft links that are stored in the /.:/eng directory:

dcecp> directory list /.:/eng/ -links

/.../ /.../\




Displaying the Attribute Values of CDS Names

Displaying Clerk and Server Attribute Information