
Displaying the Default Namespace

The CDS browser lets you view the default namespace for your system. You can see only the entries in the namespace to which you have read permission. Directories to which you do not have read permission do not appear. When you use the CDS browser, it sets the confidence level of clerk calls to low.

When you start the CDS browser, an icon representing the root directory is the first item to be displayed in the window. Directories, soft links, and object entries all have distinct icons associated with them. The following table shows the CDS browser icons and what they represent.

CDS Browser Icons and Their Meaning

To expand (open) the root directory, double-click on it. Double-click on the expanded directory to collapse (close) it. When you expand a directory, you see all of the soft links and object entries that it contains. Object entries can represent clearinghouses or any resource for which a client application creates entries in the namespace. Note that object entries representing clearinghouses are shown with a different icon than are ordinary object entries. All entries, such as object entries, soft links, and directories, are shown indented from their parent directories.