Monitoring Clerk Communications with Specific Clearinghouses
Every CDS clerk maintains a separate set of clearinghouse counters to keep track of read, write, and other operations that it directs to each of the clearinghouses with which it
communicates. These records collectively represent the cached clearinghouse entity for a particular clerk.
You can monitor a clerk's cached clearinghouse counters so that you can look at the distribution of the clerk's transactions to each of the clearinghouses that it uses and find out where a clerk's
requests are most often directed. To do this, you use the dcecp cdscache show command with the -clearinghouse option. For example, to display the cached clearinghouse
counters that are maintained by the local clerk for the /.:/NY1_CH clearinghouse you enter the following command:
dcecp> cdscache show /.:/NY1_CH -clearinghouse