Editing ACLs on CDS Names
To edit an ACL that is associated with an entry in the CDS namespace for a child directory, clearinghouse, soft link, or some other CDS object, specify the -entry option to any
dcecp program acl command. The -entry option is especially useful in case of an ambiguous path name. In some cases, a path name can resolve to a leaf object in the DCE
Directory Service and to an object in some other DCE component that supports ACLs. In these cases, you must use the -entry option to edit the leaf object in CDS. You do not need to
specify this option to edit ACLs that are associated with actual clearinghouses or directories.
For example, to edit the permissions in the Object ACL that is associated with a CDS entry for a clearinghouse named /.:/Paris1_CH, you would enter the following command:
dcecp> acl modify /.:/Paris1_CH -entry -change {unauthenticated -} dcecp>
To edit the permissions in the Object ACL that is associated with the /.:/Paris1_CH clearinghouse itself, you would enter the following command:
dcecp> acl modify /.:/Paris1_CH -change {unauthenticated -} dcecp>
Another example is the soft link /.../eng_printer. The target of this soft link is /.../boston.com/print_server. To edit the soft link leaf entry that is in the CDS namespace,
enter the following command:
dcecp> acl modify /.../eng_printer -change -entry {group subsys/dce/cds-admin rwdtc} dcecp>