Listing and Retrieving Server Configuration Information
When you want to see a list of the names of servers configured on a particular host, use a server catalog operation. This operation doesn't show every server available on a
host, just those that have configuration information stored in the server configuration database.
dcecp> server catalog /.:/hosts/silver
List the names of all the configured servers in a DCE cell by using a foreach command to repeat the server catalog operation for each host in a cell.
foreach h [directory list /.:/hosts]{
echo [server catalog $h]
If you are unsure of the configuration information established for a server, you can view it using a server show operation. Use the -executing option to view information about a
running server.
dcecp> server show /.:/hosts/silver/config/srvrconf/video_clip
{uuid d860322b-d499-11cd-9dfb-0000c08adf56 1.0}
{program {/usr/local/bin/vclip}}
{arguments {-catalog}}
{prerequisites {}}
{keytabs {683cf29a-e456-11cd-8f04-0000c08adf56}}
{services {{annotation "Video Clip Catalog and Server"}}
{principals {Vclip_Srv_1}}
{starton {explicit failure}}
{uid 1441}
{gid 1000}
{dir {/tmp}}