
Showing All Servers Configured for a DCE Host

In larger cells, in which DCE servers and application servers reside on multiple hosts, you'll likely want to see what servers are configured to run on particular hosts from time to time. The DCE control program's host show operation reads a DCE host's server configuration and execution information returning a list of configured servers on that host. The list contains each server's simple name and indicates whether it is running. The list also indicates whether a security server is a master or replica and whether a DTS entity is a clerk or server.

This operation relies on the server object (and consequently on the DCE host daemon) to show information about configured servers. You can read more about controlling server operation in the topic entitled DCE Application Administration.

The following example shows the servers configured to run on DCE host xoltar:

dcecp> host show /.:/hosts/xoltar

video_clip running

dts-entity running clerk
